SSC Hindi Translator & Pradhyapak Exam Tier II Admit Card 2021 : Staff Selection Commission
Organisation : Staff Selection Commission, SSC
Exam Name : Hindi Translator & Pradhyapak Exam Paper II
Announcement : Download Tier II Admit Card
Exam Date : 14 February 2021
Website :
SSC Hindi Translator Admit Card
Status / Download Admit Card for Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, Senior Hindi Translator and Hindi Pradhyapak Examination – 2020 (Paper-II) to be held on 14/02/2021
Related / Similar Admit Card : SSC SI DME Admit Card 2021
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How To Admit Card?
Just follow the simple steps mentioned below to download the admit card.
Step-1 : Go to the below link
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Step-2 : Enter Registration ID (or) Roll Nomber
Step-3 : Select Date of Birth and
Step-4 : Submit Search button to download your admit card
Paper-II: Translation and Essay:
This paper will contain two passages for translation – one passage for translation from Hindi to English and one passage for translation from English to Hindi, and an Essay each in Hindi and English, to test the candidates? translation skills and their ability to write as well as comprehend the two languages correctly, precisely and effectively. The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualifications prescribed
Mode of Selection
Minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I and Paper-II are as follows:
UR: 30%
OBC/ EWS: 25%
Others: 20%
** Based on the marks scored in the Paper-I i.e. Computer Based Examination, candidates will be shortlisted, category-wise, to appear in Paper-II. If the Computer Based Examination is conducted in multiple shifts, normalized marks will be used to determine merit.
** Based on the performance in Paper-I+Paper-II, candidates will be shortlisted for Document Verification.
** Final selection and allocation of Ministries/ Departments will be made on the basis of the performance of candidates in Paper-I+Paper-II and the preference of Posts/ Departments exercised by them at the time of Document Verification.
** Posts of Junior Translator in BRO has stringent requirement of physical and medical standards including Physical Efficiency Test (Detail available at Annexure-XIV).
** Examination of such physical and medical standards will be conducted after the final selection of candidates by BRO.
** If a candidate fails in such tests, his candidature will not be subsequently considered for any other post/ department.
** Candidates are therefore advised to thoroughly go through these requirements and give their considered preference of posts.
** Once the candidate has been allotted his/ her first available preference, as per his/ her merit, he/ she will not be considered for any other option.
** Candidates are, therefore, advised to exercise preference of Posts/ Departments very carefully.
** The option/ preference once exercised by the candidates will be treated as FINAL and IRREVERSIBLE. Subsequent request for change of Posts/ Departments by candidates will not be entertained under any circumstances.
** The Commission makes final allotment of posts on the basis of merit-cum-preferences of Posts/ Departments given by the candidates and once a post is allotted, no change of posts will be made by the Commission due to non-fulfillment of any post specific requirements of physical/ medical/ educational standards.
** In other words, for example if a candidate has given higher preference for a post and is selected for that post; in that case, if he/ she fails to meet the medical/ physical/ educational standards of that post, his/ her candidature will be rejected and he/ she will not be considered for other preferences.
** SC, ST, OBC, EWS and PwD candidates, who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies.
** Such candidates will be accommodated against the general/ unreserved vacancies in the post as per their position in the overall merit or vacancies earmarked for their category, whichever is advantageous to them.
** The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SC, ST, OBC, EWS and PwD candidates
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