Calcutta High Court Download Admit Card 2014 Group-D
Name of the Organisation : High Court Calcutta (
Type of Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Group-D
Reference Number : Employment Notice dated 16.01.2014
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Download duplicate Admit Cards for the written test for recruitment of Group-D staff in the High Court at Calcutta
Please enter your Name (as entered in your form or starting few letters) and press <ENTER>, Select Name, Father’s Name/ Husband’s Name, Date of Birth and Address to download Admit Card for the written test on 8.6.14 for GROUP-D post.
N.B. :
** The candidate must bring with him/her this Admit Card and his/her own Blue/Black Ball point Pen.
** The candidate must bring with him/her Photo identity proof (i.e Voter Identity Card / Adhar Card / PAN Card etc)
** The competitive Screening test 2014 will carry 100 marks. There will be 100 multiple-choice-objective-type questions in Arithmetic, General Knowledge, General Intelligence and English of 1(one) mark each. The test will be of 11/2 hours. Question Booklet and Answer Sheet (O.M.R) will be provided to the candidates separately and candidates will have to answer the question in the O.M.R. Sheet as per instructions given therein.
** The question booklet will comprise of questions in English, Bengali and Hindi except the language portion.
** There shall be negative marking for wrong answers; 1(one) mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
** On the basis of the result of the Written Test, candidates selected in order of merit shall be required to appear at a further test and /or interview for selection.
** Use of Calculator, Pager, Mobile Phone or any other electronic gadgets for communication, is strictly prohibited within the premises of the examination centre while the process is on. Infringement of this instruction will attract penal action.
** Under no circumstances a candidate shall be allowed to sit for the test without this admit card.
** The candidate must take seat by 10.30 am. Under any circumstances, no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre after 11.15 am.
** The candidate must not write his/her name and/or Roll No anywhere in the Question Booklet and Answer Sheet other than the space provided for the purpose; failing which his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled.
** Any alteration in the entries on the Admit Card without the authority of the High Court shall render the candidate liable to be disqualified for the test.
** Admission to the Written Test is purely provisional. If at any stage subsequent to issuance of this Admit Card, the candidate is found on verification by the Hon’ble Court to be ineligible for admission to the test, his candidature shall be cancelled without any further reference to him/her. A candidate furnishing incorrect or false particulars or suppressing material information, will be disqualified, and if appointed shall be liable for dismissal from service. Any sort of malpractice shall be severely dealt with. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Hon’ble Chief Justice shall stand final.
** After the test is over, candidates shall have to deposit both the Question Booklet, the written -up Answer Sheet (OMR) to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. However, none shall be allowed to leave the Hall before 12.00 pm in any case.
** No traveling allowance will be borne by the office for the purpose.
** Visit court’s website for further information and instructions, if any.
This is for general information of all concerned that :
(i) Visually Handicapped Candidates (candidates suffering from blindness or low vision) will be allowed to appear at the Examination Hall (Centre) bringing their own scribe having academic qualification not higher than the required prescribed qualification (i.e. Candidate must have passed class VIII) for the Examination and they will be allowed @ 10 minutes extra time i.e. 15 minutes extra time for the test since the Written Test is of 1 ½ hours and separate sitting arrangement will be made for such candidates (and/or for scribe).
(ii) Expenses for the same will not borne by the High Court at Calcutta and by the West Bengal Judicial Academy, Kolkata.
(iii) Under no circumstances scribe will be provided by the High Court at Calcutta and the West Bengal Judicial Academy, Kolkata.
(iv) For use of Scribe, mentioned above, some particulars are to be filled up in a format and the same should be signed by both the candidate as well as the scribe concerned. The Scribe should furnish copies of his self attested testimonials at the centre before commencement of the test.
(v) All concerned should also strictly follow the instructions as mentioned in the Admit Card/Question Booklet/Answer (O.M.R.) Sheet for the test.
When interview will be held?
Please give me my roll number and my examination address and center
Please tell me the result of the exam of calcutta high court gr D on 8.6.14
My roll no. 19008979.
Exam had been completed and so the admit card link had been taken out.