All posts from Download Admission Certificate 2017 Higher Secondary Level Exam : SSC Karnataka Kerala Region

Organisation : Staff Selection Commission SSC Karnataka Kerala Region
Announcement : Download Admission Certificate
Designation : Higher Secondary Level Exam 2017

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To download the Admission Certificates for Selection Post Exam (Hr. Secondary Level) to be held on 26th March, 2017.

Related : SSC Karnataka Kerala Region Download Admission Certificate 2016 Combined Graduate Level Exam (Tier I) :

Procedure :
Please enter your 10 digit Roll Number
Please enter your Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Click on “Search” Button

1. The Candidates should, in addition to their Admit Card, also bring two copies of their latest coloured photo (3 cm x 3.5 cm) and at least one photo bearing identity proof in ORIGINAL with clear photo (Aadhar Card, Driving License, University / College ID, Voter ID Card, Pan Card, etc.) along with its photocopy, failing which, they would not be admitted in the examination venue and their candidature would be cancelled .

2. Prohibited items, such as watches, books, pens, paper chits, magazines, electronic gadgets (mobile phones, blue tooth devices, head phones pen/buttonhole cameras, scanner, calculator, storage devices etc.) are strictly not allowed in the examination venue.

If any such item is found in the possession of a candidate in the examination lab, his/her candidature shall be cancelled and legal/criminal proceedings may be initiated against him/her. He/she would also be debarred from appearing in the future examinations of the Commission for a period of 3 years. Pen/pencil and paper for rough work would be provided in the examination room.

3. Candidates are advised not to being the prohibited items mentioned above to the examination venue. In case they bring any such item, they would have to make their own arrangements for safe custody of such items at their own risk.

4. The Commission shall not make any arrangement nor be responsible for the safe custody of any such item.

5. All Exam Labs are under Video Surveillance and all activities of candidates are being monitored. The candidates are therefore, advised to avoid talking to any candidate or indulging in any unfair means. Such activities could lead to cancellation of their candidature for this exam and they could also be debarred from appearing in the future examinations of the Commission including selection posts, for a period of 3 years.

6. The candidates who have submitted more than one Application Form and who have received more than one Admission Certificate are directed to appear only on one Admission Certificate and to surrender the other Admission Certificate/s to the Invigilator, failing which the candidature of such candidates would be cancelled and they would be debarred from appearing in the future examinations of the Commission.

7. The candidature of the candidates is purely provisional. It is advised that candidates should satisfy themselves that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions. If it is found at a later stage that a candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature shall be cancelled.

8. The Candidates will be admitted in the exam only at the venue specified in the Admission Certificate.
9. The entry of the Candidates inside the venue will only be allowed between 9.30 AM – 10.30 AM in the forenoon. No candidate shall be allowed entry after 10.30 AM.

10. The candidates will have to go through the process of frisking and biometric registration before they are allowed entry into the examination room. The candidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination venue once their Bio-Metric Registration is completed.

11. The candidates must abide by the instructions given by the exam functionaries (Centre Supervisor/ Invigilator etc.).
12. If any candidate is found obstructing the work of the exam functionaries or creating disturbances at the exam venue, his/her candidature would be summarily cancelled.

13. The candidates should ensure that they provide clear & fully legible impression of their LTI , Certification Statement in their running handwriting and signature on Commission’s copy of Admission Certificate. These are used for identity verification of the candidates.

14. The candidates will not be permitted to leave the examination venue till the examination is over. No candidate will be allowed to leave the exam lab without the permission of exam functionaries, in case of urgent exigencies .

15. If the examination does not commence at the scheduled time or is interrupted midway due to any technical snag or for any other reason candidates should follow the instructions of the exam functionaries.

They may have to wait patiently till the issue is suitably addressed and resolved. In case, the problem is major and cannot be resolved for any reason, their examination may be rescheduled for which the candidate would be duly intimated.

16. Candidates are assured that in case of any disruption of examination, for any reason such as any major / minor technical snag or slow speed of server / break down of server etc., they will not under any circumstances lose the examination time to which they are entitled.

17. The candidates are advised to report to the concerned Regional office/ Commission, in case they notice any irregularity during conduct of examination. The identity of such candidates will be kept confidential, if so needed.

18. The candidates are advised to visit the examination venue atleast one day in advance so that they can reach the exam venue o9n the date of examination in time.

19. The candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the ‘Practice test’ and the ‘Exam. Walk-through module’ specially prepared for the Computer based examination. Both would be available on the websites of the Commission and the Regional Offices.

20. In case of any doubt or any clarification, the candidates are advised to contact the concerned Regional Offices of the Commission personally or through the helpline numbers / e-mail.

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