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Karnataka Forest Department Download Hall Ticket / Admission Ticket 2016 : RFO Range Forest Officer Prelims Exam

Organisation : Karnataka Forest Department
Announcement : Download Hall Ticket / Admission Ticket
Designation : RFO Range Forest Officer, Prelims Exam 2016

Download your Admission Ticket here :
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Download Admission Ticket :

i) Enter Application ID
ii) Enter Date of Birth
iii) Click on “Download Admission Ticket” Button

Related : Karnataka Forest Department Download Admission Ticket 2015 Forest Watcher :

Note: Slow Internet Connection is not recommended while submitting the Online Application. Please ensure that you are using atleast a minimum of 1-MBPS Internet Speed/Connection before uploading/Submitting any information.

Syllabus :

II – English
Duration – 3 hours, 100 Marks
Section-1 – Comprehension
From a given passage (prose or poem) comprehend and identify the central theme and answer questions based thereon. The candidate would not be asked to evaluate or assess the argument, its tone or style.

Section-2 – Use of verbs, articles and prepositions
Use of verbs, articles and prepositions in different context, Construction of sentences. Detecting common mistakes in the usage of verbs, articles and prepositions.

Section-3 – Vocabulary
Knowledge of words, phrases and idiomatic expressions in common English usage to describe different activities, situation and context. Differentiate between the usage and meaning of words having similar vocalization (example: flora / fauna: efficiency / efficacy /effectiveness; price / prize; affect / effect, etiquette / attitude etc,) and detect the commonly committed mistakes. Construction of sentences.

Section–4 – Letter writing
Writing letters on following themes:
a) seeking leave of absence from duty to attend to a personal work from the employer / official superior.
b) writing a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper or magazine expressing candidate’s views on a topic of general or local importance.
c) writing a letter of condolence to a friend or a colleague on the demise of a close relative or friend
d) writing a letter congratulating a friend on his promotion or election to an office of prestige or influence or on his passing a public exam or on a happy event like wedding or birth in the friend’s family.
e) writing a letter to a close friend or family member informing him or her about the candidate’s travel to an existing place and witnessing an unusual event

Section- 5 – Precis writing
Read and understand a given passage, shifting the essential from the non-essential information and prepare a cohesive summary not exceeding 1/3rd the size of the given passage and to give a suitable eye catching title.

Section-6 – Essay

Aptitude Test :
Preliminary Exam -Two hours, 100 marks
The aptitude test shall measure the candidate’s comprehension, memory, reasoning, speed, analysis, evaluation of facts, data, events and judgement. The question paper would be of hundred multiple choice questions divided into six sections.
1. Numerical ability – 30 marks
2. Verbal and non-verbal ability -15 marks
3. Logical and analytical reasoning -20 marks
4. Statistics-15 marks
5. Science aptitude- 20 marks

Scope and coverage :
Numerical ability :
Candidates would be tested on their understanding of basic arithmetic and speed of calculation:, number systems, averages, percentages, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, sequences, indices, ratio and proportion, partnership, time and work, speed and distance, algebra, trigonometry , heights and distances, mensuration,geometry.

Verbal and non-verbal ability :
Letters and words as symbols, analysis relationship between groups of letters or words, completing series or order of letters or word analogy, finding odd man out, coding and decoding based on illustrated principles. Shapes and patterns, arranging shapes or designs into associated groups and finding out the odd man and completing the sequence.

Logical and analytical reasoning :
Application of logic and making judgments in given situations. General reasoning and determination of the validity of an inference from a statement based on some given parameters.

Elementary statistics such as mean, median, mode, making deductions from pie and bar charts, graphs, figures and tables.

Science aptitude :
Fundamentals of physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, environment and their application in day to day life.

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