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SBI Download Main Exam Call Letter 2016 Junior Associate & Agricultural Clerk : State Bank of India

Organisation : State Bank of India SBI
Announcement : Download Main Exam Call letter
Designation : Junior Associate & Agricultural Clerk

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Main Exam Call Letter :

Commencement of Call letter 17-06-2016
Closure of Call letter 26-06-2016

Related : SBI Download Call Letter 2016 Clerical Cadre :

Follow the link from organisation website to download call letter. At login page, enter the
REGISTRATION NO. & PASSWORD or ROLL NO. & PASSWORD or REGISTRATION NO.& DATE OF BIRTH or ROLL NO. & DATE OF BIRTH at the required places to download the Call Letter.

Instructions :
1. Your admission to the examination is strictly provisional. You must bring the call letter alongwith the photo identity proof (such as Passport/PAN Card/Driving License/Voter’s Card/Bank passbook with duly attested photograph/Identity Card issued by College or Institute/Identity Card issued by Gazetted Officer in the official letterhead in original/ Unique Identification card (Aadhar) in original as well as a photocopy.

Please note that your name as appearing on the call letter (provided by you during the process of registration) should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo identity proof. If there is any mismatch between the name indicated in the Call Letter and Photo Identity Proof you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.

The photocopy of photo identity proof should be submitted along with the call letter, to the invigilators in the examination hall failing which he/she will not be permitted to appear for the test. In case of candidates who have changed their name will be allowed only if they produce original Gazette notification/their original marriage certificate/affidavit in original.

2. You must reach the venue of examination by the time mentioned above. Please note that if you will report 30 minutes after the reporting time you will not be allowed in the examination hall nor shall be permitted to leave the examination hall till the time for the test is over and the test administrator has given permission to leave.

The test will begin after completion of the formalities like checking of attendance, obtaining signature on the call letter and collection of call letters alongwith photo identity proof etc. The Bank will not be responsible for any delay or disruption in transport.

3. You should also bring stationery such as pencils, eraser and a ball point pen with you to the examination hall.

4. Biometric data (left thumb impression) will be captured at the test venue. With regards to the same, please note :
(a) Fingers should not be coated with stamped ink/mehndi/coloured…etcso as to obtain correct biometric impression.
(b) If fingers are dirty or dusty, ensure to wash and dry them before the finger print (biometric) is captured.
(c) Ensure fingers of both hands are dry. If fingers are moist, wipe each finger to dry them.
(d) If the primary finger (left thumb) to be captured is injured/damaged, immediately notify the concerned authority in the test centre.
(Any failure to observe these points will result in non-admittance for the test)

5. Please note that if you adopt any unfair means or malpractice or commit any misconduct while appearing for the examination, your candidature is liable to be summarily cancelled; moreover you may be liable to penal action.

The Bank would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other appeared candidates to detect patterns of similarity. On the basis of such an analysis, if it is found that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/valid, the Bank reserves the right to cancel his/her candidature.

6. Following items are not allowed inside the examination centre:-
Any stationary item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner, Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health Band etc.

Other items like Goggles, Handbags, Hair-pin, Hair-band, Belt, Cap, Any watch/Wrist Watch, Camera, Any metallic item, Any eatable item opened or packed, water bottle, Any other item which could be used for unfair means for hiding communication devices like camera, blue tooth devices etc.

All ornaments like Ring, Earrings, Nose-pin, Chain/Necklace, Pendants, Badge, brooch etc. should be thoroughly checked.

7. Following dress code has been advised to the candidates
** Candidates are wearing light cloths which cannot be used for hiding any instruments or communication devices.
** Candidates are advised to wear half sleeves but not having big buttons or any badge, brooches etc. which could be used to hide the communication device, blue tooth, camera, etc.
** Candidates are wearing slippers, sandals and not the shoes.

However, candidates coming in customary/ religious dresses should report at the centre at least 10 minute prior to reporting time for proper frisking.

8. You are advised in your own interest not to bring any of the banned items including cell phones to the examination venue, as arrangement for their safekeeping cannot be assured. If you found resorting to any unfair means including giving/receiving help to/from any candidate during the test you will be disqualified. (You should be vigilant to ensure that no other candidate is able to copy from his/her answers).

9. You should strictly comply with the directions given to you by the test administrator/invigilator. If any candidate is found disregarding these directions he/she will be liable to be debarred from the test.

10. Anyone found to be disclosing, publishing, reproducing, transmitting, storing or facilitating transmission and storage of test contents in any form or any information therein in whole or part thereof or by any means verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or taking away the papers supplied in the examination hall or found to be in unauthorized possession of test content is likely to be prosecuted.

11. An Acquaint Yourself booklet giving information about the type of test you will be taking is available on the Bank’s website. Please download the booklet and study it carefully.

12. You will have to affix your signature and left thumb impression, in the space provided, in the presence of the Invigilator.

13. Please note that a candidate is allowed to appear only once for the examination. Multiple appearances will result in cancellation of candidature.In case more than one call letter has been generated, you are advised to appear for only against the last successful registration on the date and at the time mentioned on the respective call letter. All other call letters are to be surrendered.

14. Guidelines and Declaration Form for PWD candidates using the services of a Scribe can be downloaded from Bank’s website.

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