POWERGRID Download Admit Card 2016 Field Supervisor : PGCIL Power Grid Corporation
Organisation : POWERGRID, Power Grid Corporation Of India Limited PGCIL
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Field Supervisors
Reference Number : Advt No. : ER-1/Rectt.-1/2016
Download your admit card here : http://eapplicationonline.com/PGCILPatna/Pages/Login.aspx
Home Page : powergridindia.com/_layouts/PowerGrid/User/ContentPage.aspx?PId=166&LangID=english
Download Admit Card :
Date of Written Test : 03.04.2016.
Timing of the Tests : 10:00 a.m. – 11 :00 AM
Related : PGCIL Interview Call Letter Diploma, Technician Trainee : www.admitcard.net.in/3135.html
Procedure :
i) Enter Roll No.
ii) Enter Date of Birth
iii) Click on Login Button
General Instructions :
1. This Admit Card has been made available to the candidates provisionally based on information submitted by them at the time of submission of Application. Candidates are advised to appear for the test only if they are meeting the eligibility criteria specified in our advertisement.
2. Those who do not fulfil the laid down criteria should not attend the test. Admission to the test will be on production of admit card with candidates latest passport size photograph affixed on it duly self attested.
3. The admit card along with test booklet and answer sheet will have to be surrendered to the invigilators after the test.
4. Calculators, slide rule, logarithmic tables, text books, index, pagers, mobile phones etc. are not allowed inside the examination hall.
5. Candidate should bring sufficient number of blue / black ball point pens.
6. Candidates should take their seats by 9.30 AM. The test starts at 10.00 AM. Candidates will not be admitted to the test after 10 AM and will not be allowed to leave the hall before 11.00 AM.
7. Those who have not received their admit card should bring a valid photo identity card with them (original and one photocopy) and report at control room at the venue at 8.30 A.M for issuance of duplicate admit card . They should also bring self attested colour photograph with them, without which they shall not be allowed to take the test.
8. SC/ST/PH candidates should bring the TA claim form sent along with the admit card duly filled in along with original & attested photocopy of caste/PH certificate and the original bus ticket/ railway ticket number for claiming (2nd class to & fro) TA. The same shall be paid as per corporation rules.
9. At test venue, candidate must occupy the seat allotted against their roll number. Inter- Changing seats, creating disturbance in the hall, exchanging notes, consulting/talking to each other etc. will result in summary dismissal from the examination hall and non-evaluation of answer sheet and other disciplinary proceedings.
10. Mere issuance of Admit Card does not guarantee the adequacy of candidature for being considered for further selection process.
11. Any further communication related to above recruitment process shall be made available at powergridindia.com only. Candidates are advised to check the website periodically.
When will the exam for field supervisor be held?