rrcecr.gov.in Admit Card 2014 Group D RRC ECR Patna : East Central Railway
Name of the Organisation : Railway Recruitment Cell, ECR Patna East Central Railway
Type of Announcement : Admit Card
Designation : Group D
Reference Number : Employment Notice No. RRC/ECR/GP 1800/1/2013
Download your admit card Details : http://www.admitcard.net.in/uploads/477-Notice-04-09-2014.pdf
Home Page : http://rrcecr.gov.in/
Information regarding Admit Cards and schedule of Written Examination under Employment Notice No. RRC/ECR/GP 1800/1/2013 to be conducted in November, 2014.
For the referred Employment Notice, written examination shall be conducted on 05 dates in November’ 2014. According to the 1st alpha of the candidates’ name, the alpha-wise groupings for each date is detailed as under:
Sl No. Date of written examination Alpha-groups of candidates
1 02.11.2014 A, B, T, Q, O, L, F, E
2 09.11.2014 R, Y, H, N,
3 16.11.2014 K, M, V
4 23.11.2014 C, I, S
5 30.11.2014 U, W, X, Z, G, P, J, D
List of eligible and ineligible candidates has been uploaded on Railway Recruitment Cell/East Central Railway’s website rrcecr.gov.in.
Important information regarding Admit Card :
(a) Candidates should please note that Admit Cards will not be sent to candidates by post for this written examination but the Admit Cards of eligible candidates will be uploaded on Railway Recruitment Cell/East Central Railway’s Website http://rrcecr.gov.in/ about one month before the date of Written Examination. Candidates have to download and print their Admit Cards from RRC/ECR’s website rrcecr.gov.in. Candidates will be allowed to appear in the written examination with Admit Cards downloaded & printed from RRC/ECR’s website after matching their scanned photograph and the self signed photograph affixed by them. Candidates must bring one original photo identity card for appearing in written examination.
(b) Information regarding free Railway Passes for SC/ST candidates:
Authority for free Railway journey for SC/ST candidates will be printed In the lower portion of Admit Card downloaded & printed from Railway Recruitment Cell, East Central Railway’s website. Pass will be valid only for the person whose photograph is scanned provided he/she carries original caste certificate & Photo ID proof.
(C) If any candidate’s Admit Card is without scanned photograph or has a different scanned photograph, he/she must consult Railway Recruitment Cell, East Central Railway, Polson Complex, Digha Ghat, Patna-800011 office 3 days prior to the date of written examination with 2 photographs so that correct Admit Card may be issued otherwise they will not be permitted to appear in written exam with such improper Admit Card. Candidates will have to make their own arrangements for travel and stay for this purpose.
Provision of Scribe for candidates affected by Cerebral Palsy and VH candidates:-
Candidates who are affected by Cerebral Palsy or are Visually Handicapped and are unable to read and write and have indicated the need of SCRIBE in their application forms will be permitted to appear in the written examination with SCRIBE. For this purpose, a proforma seeking the details of SCRIBE has been sent to all such candidates by post to their address of correspondence mentioned in the Application Form with instruction to send duly filled performa about scribe to Railway Recruitment Cell, East Central Railway, Polson Complex, Digha Ghat, Patna-800011 by 15.09.2014.
Such Candidates, who wish to avail the assistance of SCRIBE but have not received the above proforma, may obtain the proforma from the office of Railway Recruitment Cell, Patna or download the proforma from the website and submit the information about scribe to Railway Recruitment Cell, Patna. Candidates may please note that Separate Admit Cards will be issued to the candidates as well as to their SCRIBE. No candidate or SCRIBE shall be permitted to appear in the written examination in absence of proper Admit Card. Partially Visually Handicapped Candidates who may read and write with the help of Magnifying Glass are permitted to bring their Magnifying Glass.
Vill. Post done
Thana drauli
Dist siwan
Stat bihar
Date of birth : 04 04 1989
By Nitish Nirala November 2,2014 @ 01:15 pm
Umesh chand bind
My admit card is not showing on net.
Admit card date of birth 9/11/1993
By aditya kumars/o ghanshyam, october 29, 2014@
DOB – 20/08/1995
Shekh azad 10/04/1993
My Admit Card
Bablu Kumar Mahto
Anup Kumar Gupta
Jitendra Sing
I need examination center
My application status not found
My admit card has come
Bikash kumar
RAkesh shrivastava
date of birth-25/11/1993
Barun Kumar Baitha
16.Nov 2014
vijay kumar sharma
DATE OF BIRTH : 05/08/1978
Ramresh meena
Admit card