GBPUAT Download Admit Card Assistant Accountant : G.B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Uttarakhand
Organisation : Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Uttarakhand
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Assistant Accountant
Download your admit card here :
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Admit card for asstt. accountant :
Examination Date : 07/02/2016
Time of Examination : 10.00 A.M to 01.00 P.M
Procedure :
i) Enter Candidate Name
ii) Enter Father’s Name
iii) Click on “Search your Details” Button
** The candidate with the admission card must bring photo ID containing the examination, otherwise it would become difficult.
** OMR On the answer sheet to answer the use of only black or blue hair point pen. Using pencil are forbidden.
** Before answering the question paper and answer sheet on the candidates must carefully read the directions and follow them
** 3 hours prior to the examination room any candidate will not leave.
** After the candidates answer sheet cell inspector will leave the examination room.
** A candidate passes the candidates in the event of lost or not received your visa from the university’s website can download
** The candidate selection process is complete until the letter will keep him safe.
** Calculator, log tables, cellular and mobile phones, pagers or any text materials are forbidden to take into the exam room.
** The candidate passes the condition / restriction has been issued with the minimum qualification. Otherwise it shall be deemed canceled.
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