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HPCL Download Admit Card 2016 R & D Officer : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation

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Designation : R & D Officer 2016

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Computer Based Test for the Position Of R & D Officer – M.Tech / ME is scheduled on 14th February 2016.

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This test is purely a practice test and the questions are not representative of actual syllabus. This Test is made available only to acclimatize the candidates with Computer Based Test environment.

Pattern and Scheme of Question Paper
Part Sections Test No. of questions (Each question carries 1 mark)
1 Verbal Ability 17
2 Quantitative Aptitude Test 34
3 Intellectual Potential Test (Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation) 34
1 Academic / Domain Knowledge 85

Domain Syllabus :
Section 1: Process Calculations and Thermodynamics
Steady and unsteady state mass and energy balances including multiphase, multicomponent, reacting and non-reacting systems.
Use of tie components; recycle, bypass and purge calculations; Gibb’s phase rule and degree of freedom analysis.
First and Second laws of thermodynamics.
Applications of first law to close and open systems.
Second law and Entropy.
Thermodynamic properties of pure substances: Equation of State and residual properties, properties of mixtures: partial molar properties, fugacity, excess properties and activity coefficients; phase equilibria: predicting VLE of systems; chemical reaction equilibrium.

Section 2: Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations
Fluid statics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, shell-balances including differential form of Bernoulli equation and energy balance,
Macroscopic friction factors, dimensional analysis and similitude, flow through pipeline systems, flow meters, pumps and compressors, elementary boundary layer theory, flow past immersed bodies including packed and fluidized beds,
Turbulent flow: fluctuating velocity, universal velocity profile and pressure drop.
Particle size and shape, particle size distribution, size reduction and classification of solid particles; free and hindered settling; centrifuge and cyclones; thickening and classification, filtration, agitation and mixing; conveying of solids.

Section 3: Heat Transfer
Steady and unsteady heat conduction, convection and radiation
Thermal boundary layer and heat transfer coefficients
Boiling, condensation and evaporation
Types of heat exchangers and evaporators and their process calculations, cooling towers, furnace calculations.
Design of double pipe, shell and tube heat exchangers, and single and multiple effect evaporators.

Section 4: Mass Transfer
Fick’s laws, molecular diffusion in fluids, mass transfer coefficients, film, penetration and surface renewal theories; momentum, heat and mass transfer analogies;
Stage-wise and continuous contacting and stage efficiencies; HTU & NTU concepts
Design and operation of equipment for distillation (flash, multi-component distillation etc), absorption and stripping, leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, drying, membrane separation, humidification, dehumidification and adsorption.

Section 5: Chemical Reaction Engineering
Theories of reaction rates
Kinetics of homogeneous reactions, interpretation of kinetic data, single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors, non-ideal reactors
Development of rate laws, Residence time distribution, single parameter model
Non-isothermal reactors
Catalysis and catalytic reactions, catalyst deactivation and regeneration, Kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions
Diffusion effects in catalysis.
Different type of industrial reactors – Fixed bed, fluidized bed, trickle bed, slurry bed

Section 6: Instrumentation and Process Control
Measurement of process variables
Sensors, transducers and their dynamics
Process modeling and linearization
Transfer functions and dynamic responses of various systems, systems with inverse response, process reaction curve, controller modes (P, PI, and PID)
Control valves; analysis of closed loop systems including stability, frequency response, controller tuning, cascade and feed forward control.

Section 7: Plant Design and Economics
Principles of process economics and cost estimation including depreciation and total annualized cost, cost indices, rate of return, payback period, discounted cash flow, Interest and investment costs, taxes and insurance, material selection and equipment fabrication
Computer aided design, Optimization in process design and sizing of chemical engineering equipments such as compressors, heat exchangers, multistage contactors, reactors etc.

Section 8: Chemical Technology
Inorganic chemical industries (sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, chlor-alkali industry)
Fertilizers (Ammonia, Urea, SSP and TSP)
Natural products industries (Pulp and Paper, Sugar, Oil, and Fats)
Petroleum refining and petrochemicals
Polymerization industries (polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polyester synthetic fibers).

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