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Purulia Admit Card 2015 : Accounts Clerk, Typist, Samiti Education Officer West Bengal

Organisation : District Magistrate, Purulia West Bengal
Announcement : Admit Card
Designation : Accounts Clerk, Clerk Cum Typist, Data Entry Operator, Samiti Education Officer

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List of Eligible Candidates and Admit Card for the post of Accounts Clerk,Clerk Cum Typist,Samiti Education Officer,Data Entry Operator for Panchayat bodies, Purulia
Date of Examination : 22/11/2015

Procedure :
i) Select Post Applied For
ii) Enter Roll Number
iii) Click on “Download” Button

Please download the list of eligible candidates to know your roll number

Important Instructions :
1. Candidates must bring their photo bearing documents recognized by the Govt. along with this admit card, in order to prove their identity and to get entrance into the examination venue. Any deviation in this regard may straightway lead to non admission of him/ her in to the examination venue and rejection of candidature without giving him/ her opportunity of being heard. The photo bearing documents to be accepted by the committee for the said purpose are as follows:
** Elector’s Photo Identity Card (EPIC), Passport, UID (Aadhar Card), Admit Card of Madhyamik or equivalent with photograph, PAN Card, Driving License, Bank Pass Book containing photograph of the candidate, any other photo bearing document issued by the competent Govt. authority.

2. Candidates must abide by the instruction as may be given by the supervisor/ invigilator of the examination centre. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or improper conduct or adopts any unfair means, he/ she will render himself/ herself liable for expulsion from the examination hall and / or such other punishment as the committee may deem fit to impose.

3. A candidate who has been reported against by the supervisor/ invigilator of the examination centre for violation of norms of examination has shall be punished with cancellation of candidature and will also be debarred from appearing at any examinations/ selections in future as may be decided by the DLSC depending on the circumstances/ gravity of the case.

4. Use of mobile phones, calculators and any kind of electronic gadgets inside the examination hall is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Use of the same will lead to cancellation of candidature without giving an opportunity of being heard.

5. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. Any attempt on the part of the candidate to enlist support for his/ her application through persons, officials of recommendations from persons interested in the candidates, or otherwise known to them will be disregarded and will render the candidates ineligible.

6. The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of total marks obtained in the written Examination including practical test (where applicable) and the Viva-Voce test.

7. Admission to the examination will be purely provisional subject to verification of eligibility at a later stage. Therefore, candidature of any candidate shall be rejected straightway if found not eligible at any stage, even after appearance in the examination.

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:
** All entries in the circle must be filled up by blue/back ball point pen.
** Circle should be darkened completely, so that alphabet inside the circle is not visible.
** Do not darken multiple circles for one single answer. In that case said answer wille treated as wrong answer.
** If you do not darken the circles under the Roll No. Category properly, your answer sheet may not be evaluated.
** Do not do any rough work or do not put any stray mark on the answer sheet.
** Answer circle once darkened cannot be changed by any means.
** Evaluation for candidates not signing in the candidate signature block will be cancelled.
** Your Roll numbers are prefixed with the abbreviation, so please fill rest of the boxes properly.
** There is one correct answer for each question. There will be negative marking for each wrong answer.
** Do not tamper the barcode.Tampering the barcode will lead to cancellation of the OMR answer sheet.

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  1. When result will be published?

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