All posts from Download Admit Card 2015 Social Development & Infrastructure Manager : Siliguri Municipal Corporation

Organisation : Siliguri Municipal Corporation
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Social Development & Infrastructure Manager
Reference Number : Memo No. 156 (100)/SMC/UPE/2015-16

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The written test for recruitment to the post of (1) Manager Social Development & Infrastructure (2) Manager Skill & Livelihood & (3) Manager Fanancial Inclusion & Micro Enterprise will be held as per following schedule. You are requested to appear at the said written test, accordingly.

Date of Examination:- 07.11.2015


1. Please bring this Admit Card to secure admission to the examination hall.
2. Candidates shall have to bring attested Xeroxed copies of all relevant testimonials along with original for verification. After verification of the testimonials, candidates will be allowed for the test.
3. Your admission to the examination is purely provisional subject to determination of your eligibility in terms of the advertisement.
4. To carry with or to use any type of calculator/pager/mobile phone or any other type of gadget of communication inside the Examination Hall is strictly forbidden.
5. You will be required to reach the venue at least 30 minutes before the commencement of examination.
6. You will also not be permitted to leave the Examination Hall until an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination.
7. Candidates detected while adopting or making an attempt to adopt unfair means during the hours of examination shall be liable to expulsion from the examination.
8. No T.A. / D.A. will be entertained.

A. English: Grammar and Usage: Articles, agreement of verb & subject, nouns- countable and uncountable, adjectives, adverbs, preposition, tenses and the sequence of tenses , use of correlatives , phrasal verbs, idioms; Composition: Reporting, Paragraph Writing, Comprehension Test from a passage, Précis/substance writing.

B. General Aptitude: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Programmes & Schemes run by Central and State Governments.

C. Computer Fundamentals: Hardware and Software, Information and Data; System Software and Application Software; Operating System: basic functions and types; Basic components of a computer system; Input Devices: keyboard, scanner, mouse, GUI; Output Devices, Types of printers and their working principles; I/O quality factors: resolution, DPI etc., Memory: types and hierarchy; CPU: functions and basic components; Number systems: decimal, octal, binary, hexadecimal; conversion among systems, bits and bytes, binary arithmetic; Basic concepts of Algorithms and Programs, programming languages, high-level and low-level languages, compilers and interpreters; Computer Network basics, the Internet, services offered by the Internet, ISP, types of Internet Connection, Email, parts of email address, URL.

D. MS Office: Components, Customizing, Templates and Wizards, OLE, Clip Art, Macros; MS-Word: Menus and Toolbars, Views, Page setup, Editing text, Font – types, size, styles; Paragraph formatting, Working with columns, Numbers and Bullets, Table handling, Image handling, Mail Merge, AutoCorrect and AutoFormat, Proof reading with spell-checker and grammar-checker, Thesaurus, Headers and Footers, Footnotes and Endnotes, Drawing and WordArt. MS-Excel: Menus and Toolbars, Workbooks and Worksheets, Data types, Editing cells, AutoFill, Relative and Absolute Cell Addressing, Working with Formulae, Graphs and Charts. MS-PowerPoint: Menus and Toolbars, Show setup, Designing presentations, Background formatting, Views, Slide Master, Transition and Animation, Rehearsing time, Speaker Notes.

E. Sociology: Fundamental of sociology; Theories of Urbanization: Marks, Gurkhan, Weber, Ecological Theory; Pattern of urbanization in India, Slums, Urban Poor; Urban Planning and policies; Policies and programmes for the urban poor; Democratic decentralisation/Urban Administration.

F. Social Work: Group Work: Process, group proposal, group activities, group therapy; Community work: group worker, community organization, community developer; Case work: case worker, process, principles, techniques, psycho therapy.

G. Economics & Statistics: Income Accounting; The Theory of Public Good: public good and private good and their implications on urban policy making and governance; Taxation: Classification, Division of tax burden, Impact and incidence, Major trends in tax revenue; Public Expenditure: Meaning, classification and principle of public expenditure, Trends in public expenditure and causes of growth of public expenditure at National, regional and sub-regional level; The public Budget: Kinds of budget– Economic and functional classification of the budget, Different concepts of budget Deficits and its implications; Economic Growth and Development: Measurement and Policy issues; Economics and the environment: Resources, pricing, externalities, and sustainability; Labour and Employment: Nature and types of unemployment, Industrial Disputes and Social Security Measures, Informal Labour Market, Women and Child labour, Emerging issues in Labour Market and Employment Generation; Demography and Population trend, migration, poverty and inequality; Indian Economic Reforms; Basic Statistics and its Application: Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Correlation, Regression Analysis, Distribution, Sampling Technique, Use of Census Data and NSSO data,Questionnaire designing for quantitative and qualitative study at micro and macro level. (Knowledge on descriptive statistics as well as other statistical measures will be validated based on incumbent’s knowledge on statistical software like Excel, SPSS, Stata and E-views)

H. Management: Human Resource management; Solution to different managerial problems.

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