Admit Card 2015 Member, Judge : High Court of Bombay
Organisation : High Court of Bombay
Announcement : Admit Card
Designation : Member, Judge
Reference Number : Press Advertisement No.A 5504/2015
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Online Admit-Card (PRE) for Preliminary Written Examination for the post of Member, Industrial Court and Judge, Labour Court – 2015
Preliminary Written Examination : Sunday, 18th October, 2015
Procedure :
i) Enter Registration – ID
ii) Enter Date of Birth
iii) Enter above mentioned Security Code
iv) Click on “Generate” Button
If a candidate, does not receive his/her admit card, he/she should bring other reliable documents e.g. Identity Card issued by the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa and Voters Identity Card issued by the Election Commission or alike identification proof to prove his/her identity and approach the Chief Conductor of examination, at the respective centres, at least one hour before the scheduled time of examination.
1. The candidates shall bring the admit card for the examination. It may be noted that no candidate who does not possess the admit card would be allowed to appear for the examination.
2.The candidates shall bring with them identification proof e.g Identity Card issued by the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa or Voters Identity Card issued by Election Commission or alikeidentification proof to prove their identity.
3.The candidates shall be present for examination before 45 minutes of the scheduled time.
4.No candidates would be allowed entry in the examination hall after 01.00 p.m.
5.The process such as the identification of the candidates as per Admit Card, distribution of answer sheets and filling in the necessary details thereon by the candidates shall be done from 12.15 p.m. to 1.00 p.m.
6.Time for marking of answers will be 45 minutes only and the examination will start at 01.00 p.m. sharp.
7.No candidates would be allowed to leave the examination, on any count, during the duration of examination.
8.The candidates shall bring black ink ball pen with them for filling in all details in the answersheet.
9.The candidates shall carefully fill all the particulars in, and sign the attendance sheet.
10.The candidates should not mention their names anywhere in the answer sheet.
11.Carrying, possessing, using and/or transferring any electronic device such as a Mobile phone/Pager in the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
12.If the candidates bring with them any book, notes or scribbled paper or speaks to or communicates with, any other candidate, by any mode, while the examination is going on or smuggles in or takes out the answer sheet attempted or unattempted, the Chief Conductor may, upon being informed by the Supervisor, instantly issue suitable order for necessary action including immediate expulsion from the examination hall.
13.Candidates who disobey the instructions issued by the Supervisor or who are guilty of rude or disobedient behaviour are liable o be instantly expelled from the examination hall.
14.As regards unfair means adopted by the candidates at the examination, the decision of the High Court shall be binding.
I have lost my id card. Will I be able to sit for advocate exam on 6/3/2016?