All posts from Download e-Admit Card 2015 : Section Officer / Stenographer Limited Departmental Competitive Examination

Organisation : Union Public Service Commission
Announcement : Download e-Admit Card
Designation : Section Officer’S/Stenographer’S (Grade`B’/Grade`I’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2015

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e-Admit Card – SO’s / Steno’s (Grade – ‘B’ / Grade – ‘I’) Ltd. Deptt. Competitive Examination, 2015

1. Check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancies, if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately.

2. Mention your Name, Roll Number,Registration ID and Name & Year of the Examination in all the correspondence with UPSC.

3. Bring this e-Admit Card in each session to secure admission to Examination Hall. e-Admit Card may be preserved till the declaration of written result.

4. You are responsible for safe custody of the e-Admit Card and in the event of any other person using this e-Admit Card , the onus lies on you to prove that you have not used the service of any impersonator.

5. Enter the Examination Hall 20 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the written examination. For stenography test, please visit UPSC website for detailed instructions including timeline and reporting time.

6. You will not be admitted to the examination if you report 10 minutes after the scheduled commencement of the examination .

7. If you appear at a centre / sub-centre other than the one indicated by the Commission in your e-Admit Card , your answer scripts will not be evaluated and your candidature is liable to be cancelled.

8. Please Read the “Rules for the Examination” on the “Poster” containing instructions displayed outside the Examination Hall.

9. Your candidature to the examination is provisional.

10. Mobile Phones, Calculators or any of the IT Gadgets are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any Infringements of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.

11. Candidates are advised to bring Black Ball Point Pen for objective type Paper’s to the Examination Hall.

12. Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items to the Examination Halls, as safe keeping of the same can not be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.

Note : In case of any problem in downloading e-admit card for the Combined SO’s /Stenos’ (Grade-‘B’/Grade-‘I’) Ltd. Deptt. Competitive Examination, 2015 or discrepancy noticed in the e-admit card , may please be informed in detail on e-mail: –


1. On receipt of the e-Admission Certificate the candidate should carefully check all particulars and discrepancies, if any, should be brought to the notice of the Commission immediately. The eAdmission Certificate/official Identity Card must be brought to the Examination Hall in all the sessions. The candidate should exercise due care for safe custody of the e-Admission Certificate and ensure against any misuse for which the candidate himself/herself will be solely responsible. Due to technical reasons, sometimes the name of the candidate(s) are abbreviated for printing on the e- Admission Certificate. For this no communication need to be sent to the UPSC.

2. (a) Candidates admitted to the examination will be required to produce their official identity card at the time of appearing in the Examination along with the e-Admission Certificate.

(b) Candidates should also ensure that the signatures appended by them in all the places viz. in their application form, in the Attendance List and in all the correspondence with the Commission should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind. If any variation is found in the signatures appended by him/her at different places, his/her candidature will liable to be cancelled by the Commission.

3. After entering the Examination Hall, the candidate should sign the Attendance Sheet in the presence of invigilator on duty and then hand it over to him/her. The candidate should exercise due care and append identical signatures in relevant column of all the forms viz. Application Form and Attendance Lists. If any variation is found in signature(s) appended by him/her at different places, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled by the Commission.

4. Admission to the Examination is strictly PROVISIONAL. The mere fact that an Admission Certificate has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that he/she has satisfied all the conditions of eligibility. The candidate should note that subsequent to the issue of Admission Certificate, if ineligibility is detected at any stage regarding conditions prescribed in the Rules and Instructions given in the Commission’s Notice and Annexure thereto for the examination have not been complied with, he/she will not be allowed to take the examination and/or considered for appointment even if he/she had appeared at the examination or qualified in the examination. The candidature is liable to be cancelled in such cases.

5. (a) The candidates are allowed to enter the Examination Hall 20 minutes prior to the prescribed time for the commencement of the Examination. The Answer Books/Answer Sheets (OMR Sheets) would be distributed before the actual time prescribed for the commencement of Examination to enable the candidates to study the instructions printed therein and to enter certain particulars. It would, therefore, be in the interest of the candidate to report on time.

(b) No candidate would be admitted to the Examination Hall after 10 minutes of the commencement of the examination in each session.

6. No candidate shall copy from the papers of any other candidate nor permit his/her own papers to be copied, nor give, nor attempt to give, nor obtain, nor attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description. The candidate should not write anything on the e-Admission Certificate or on the time-table or on the ‘Instructions to Candidate’.

7. No candidate would be permitted to leave the Examination Hall without prior permission of the invigilator for any purpose whatsoever. Before going to the toilet, the candidate must close his/her answer book and not carry any examination material to the toilet. No candidate would be allowed to go to the toilet during the last 30 minutes of Examination in each session.

8. Discipline and silence must be observed in the Examination Hall for smooth conduct of the Examination. Smoking or taking tea etc. in the Examination Hall is strictly prohibited. Loaning or interchanging of erasers or any other article of stationery by the candidates is not permitted in the Examination Hall.

9. No other article except Clip Board or Hard Board or Card Board on which nothing is written, HB Pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener and Pen/ ball point pen are allowed inside Examination Hall/Room.

10. The candidates are not permitted to bring Pagers/cellular Phone/ Bluetooth or any other type of interpersonal communication device to the Examination Hall. If he/she does so, he/she will be penalised and this may also be treated as violation of Conduct / Service Rules, rendering candidate liable for departmental administrative action.

11. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones/pagers/ IT Gadgets etc. to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for their safekeeping cannot be assured.

12. Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items to the Examination Halls, as safe keeping of the same cannot be assured. Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.

13. Seating plan displayed is in Roll Order. Candidates, before proceeding to the Examination Halls/Rooms are to check the exact location of their seat. In case of difficulty, they should contact the supervisor.

14. The candidate should not write his/her Roll Number or Name anywhere in the Answer Book/OMR sheets except in the particular space provided for the purpose. The candidate should not write any irrelevant matter i.e. anything other than the actual answers to questions in the Answer Book.

15. The candidate should attempt questions in Noting and Drafting, Precis writing paper in accordance with the directions given in each question paper and the medium opted by him/her, wherever this is relevant. If, a medium other than the one indicated in the application form is used, the paper(s) of such candidate will not be evaluated.

16. Immediately on receipt of the Answer Book the candidate must check whether the same is complete. In case, an Answer Book is short of any leaf or leaves or does not bear the serial number on cover page, the fact should be brought to the notice of Invigilator immediately for replacement. If the candidate uses more than one Answer Book, he/she should indicate the total number of Answer Book(s) used on the cover page of the first Answer Book. The candidate should not tamper with or take away the Answer sheet with him. He will be penalized for any attempt to do so.

17. If questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number, only those questions attempted first and up to the prescribed number would be valued and the answers to the remaining questions would be ignored.

18. The candidate should place all loose sheets such as précis-sheets, graph-sheets etc. which may be supplied to him/her for answering questions whether used or not inside the Answer Book and securely fasten them and the additional Answer Book(s), if any.

19. Smoking or taking tea, juices, snacks etc. in the examination hall/room is strictly prohibited.

20. All corrections and changes effected in writing Roll Number on the answer book should be initialled by the candidate as well as by the invigilator and countersigned by the Supervisor.

21. The candidate must write the answers in his/her own hand with Black/Blue pen. Under no circumstances help of a scribe will be allowed. In respect of OMR Sheet/Answer Sheet (objective papers) marking other than those made by Black Ball Pen would not be evaluated.

22. Candidates exercising the option to answer to paper in Hindi (Devnagari) may, if they so desire, give English version within brackets of the description of the technical terms, if any, in addition to the Hindi version. The option once exercised in the online application will be treated as final and no change will be allowed at any stage.

23. No candidate should leave the Examination Hall till completion of the time allotted for the papers.

24. The candidate should remain seated until the Answer Books/OMR Sheets of all the candidates in the Examination Hall/Room have been collected and accounted for by the invigilator(s).

25. The decision of the Supervisor would be final regarding the time prescribed for admission to or leaving the Examination Hall and also regarding completion of the allotted time for the Examination.

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