tspsc.gov.in Download Hall Ticket 2015 Departmental Test MAY : Telangana State Public Service Commission
Organisation : Telangana State Public Service Commission
Announcement : Download Hall Ticket
Designation : Departmental Test MAY 2015
Reference Number : Notification No: 05/2015
Download your Hall ticket here : https://www.tspsc.gov.in/
Home Page : http://www.tspsc.gov.in/
Hall ticket Download for Notification No: 05/2015 Departmental Test.
1. Please type the Reference ID or Name or Date Of Birth to Download Hall Ticket.
2. Please use the PRINT button provided on Hall Ticket to get all these pages printed without distortion.
Departmental Tests Examinations Scheduled to be held from 04-10-2015 to 09-10-2015 at all the 9 District Head Quarters of Telangana State (Ranga Reddy District clubbed with Hyderabad).
1. The duration of examination is two hours for objective type tests and three hours for descriptive type tests
2. Candidates applying for Translation Test (Paper Code No. 19 and 28) should invariably mention the language for Paper Code No. 28.
3. Second Class Language Test will be held in various Languages, i.e., Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil & Urdu.
4. In the case of Gujarathi and Marwari Language Tests (Paper Code Nos. 6 & 7), the Application should be forwarded by the Head of the Department as an evidence to claim his/her eligibility as per relevant Rules.
5. Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department of Higher Standard/Lower Standard/and the Translation Test, will be conducted in Telugu/Urdu/Hindi/Tamil/Kannada/ Oriya/Marathi. The Candidate should also opt the language in which he/she desires to appear in addition to English for the Translation Test in the Application Form. Otherwise the Application will be rejected.
6. Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department (Advanced Standard) will be conducted in Telugu and Urdu only.
7. Staff of the Survey and Land Records Department may answer “Surveyor’s Test” Higher Grade/ Lower Grade and “Survey& Settlement Surveyor’s Test” Higher Grade/ Lower Grade, in one language only i.e., either in English or Telugu or Urdu.
8. Candidates possessing Law Degree can seek exemption from passing 1st and 2nd papers of Criminal Judicial Test Such candidates must furnish the information in the Application Form. (See instruction under Para 5(d) of the Notification). Others should however appear for all the papers at a time for Criminal Judicial Test as per rules.
9. Candidates applying for “Deputy Inspectors Test” have to appear for all the three papers in their first attempt. In subsequent attempts, however, they can appear for each paper separately. For Papers on “Educational Statistics” Public Instructions Report for the year 1980-81 is prescribed. The candidates who have applied previously should furnish the information in the Application Form.
10. Candidates should pass all the parts of Second Class/Third Class Language Tests at atime as per the revised scheme of examination in terms of existing G.O.Ms.No. 190, GA (Ser. C) Department, dt: 18/04/2002.However, candidates appearing for Paper Codes 5, 6 and 7will be admitted to the Parts B, C & D (Viva-Voce) only, if they pass the Part-A Written Examination. They will be informed the date and place of the Oral Test separately at appropriate time.
11. The Question Papers for Departmental Tests will generally be in English only. However for (i) “Surveyor’s Test” (Higher Grade/ Lower Grade) (ii) “Survey and Settlement Surveyor’s Test”(Higher Grade/ Lower Grade) and (iii) “Translation Tests”, the question papers will be in the chosen language, besides English.
12. You will not be admitted to the Examination Hall TEN minutes after the commencement. You should not leave the examination hall till the expiry of the full time.
13. While coming to examination hall, please bring your hall ticket, smooth writing pad, ball point pen (Blue/Black).
14. You are permitted to use calculators, scientific calculators, but you are not allowed to bring programmable calculators, cell phones, pagers and other electronic gadgets to the examination hall.
15. Please check the Answer Sheet and read the instructions on it as well as test booklet carefully. You should write with PEN your Hall Ticket Number, Paper Codes, Name, Subject, Centre at appropriate places only. Writing with Pen at wrong places will lead to invalidation of your Answer Sheet.
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