Download Admit Card / Interview Call Letter 2015 Law Clerk Trainee : High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
Organisation : High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
Announcement : Download Admit Card / Interview Call Letter
Designation : Law Clerk (Trainee)- 2015
Reference Number : ADV NO. 01/Law Clerk (Trainee) / 2015
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Pursuant to the Adv. No. 01/Law Clerk (Trainee) / 2015, for the engagement of Law Clerk (Trainee), list of eligible candidates have been prepared. Total 435 candidates have been found provisionally eligible to be interviewed at Allahabad on 26.09.2015 & 27.09.2015. Some candidates have been provisionally permitted whose application forms suffer from minor deficiencies and the same are to be removed by the candidates on or before the date of interview. Deficiency list of the candidates is being uploaded on the official website of Allahabad High Court, in view to inform the candidates to get removed their deficiencies at their end.
Admit Card to the candidates for interview are being dispatched by post, mentioning therein deficiencies which are to be removed. The candidates are directed to read the instructions carefully mentioned on admit card / notice and are to be complied by the candidates.
In case candidate does not receive the admit card sent by post, he/she may download his/her admit card from web site and check deficiency list. If any deficiency is inscribed in the list against his/her name, it is to be removed by the candidate. The candidates who have not submitted their final year/semester mark sheet of LL.B. (completed/appearing), must submit the same on or before the date of interview.
Candidates who have secured marks less than 55% in LL.B. Course, they shall be barred from interview.
Candidates who have submitted their application forms without requisite fee are provisionally permitted to appear in the interview. They are required to deposit Demand Draft of Rs.150.00 in favour of Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad, payable at Allahabad on or before the scheduled date of interview.
1 FROM ROLL NO. 1 TO 220 26.09.2015 09:00 A.M.
2 FROM ROLL NO. 221 TO 435 27.09.2015 09:00 A.M.
NOTE: To download the admit card, candidates are required to click on their Roll Number mentioned in the eligibility list.
1. You are required to bring this Interview Call Letter at the time of Interview and have to produce on demand.
2. All candidates (LL.B. completed/appearing) will be required to submit their final year/semester mark sheet of LL.B. Examination at the time of interview with minimum 55% secured marks, otherwise they will be barred from appearing in the interview .
3. You must reach the venue of Interview 30 minutes before the commencement of the interview. Late comers will not be allowed to appear in the Interview .
4. Mobile Phones are strictly prohibited during the course of Interview.
5. No T.A/D.A shall be paid for the journey performed in connection with the Interview.
6. Candidate should also bring his/her original testimonials to be produced on demand.
7. The candidate may contact the undersigned on telephone no. 0532-2421611 EAPBX No. 2236 during office hour two days before leaving his place for the Interview confirming that he is going to report for the Interview on the due date and time.
8. In case the date and time given for the Interview is not convenient to the candidate and he wants variation of the same, he may within three days of receipt of this Interview call letter shall inform specifically the details of the difficulty to the undersigned on telephone , so that necessary rescheduling of the Interview could be made and informed.
9. You are provisionally permitted to appear in the Interview subject to removal of following discrepancies marked with tick ( v) against the column, on or before the date of Interview , failing which your candidature may be canceled.
(a) Submit passport size photograph self-signed and duly attested by the Gazetted Officer.
(b) Attested copies of testimonials.
(c) Attested copies of computer knowledge proof.
(d) Less postage stamp: Rs/-______.
(e) Form/Checklist not signed.
(f)No fees.(Candidate is required to bring Bank Draft of Rs. 150 favouring Registrar General, High Court Allahabad at the time of interview.)
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