hal-india.com Admit Card 2015 Aptitude Test Technical Training Institute TTI : Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Organisation : Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Announcement : Admit Card
Designation : Technical Training Institute (TTI) Aptitude Test 2015
List of candidates short listed for Aptitude test : http://www.admitcard.net.in/uploads/3025-App%20rec.pdf
Home Page : https://hal-india.co.in/
1) The ADMIT CARD with passport size photograph affixed and self-attested must be produced at the time of Test, failing which you will not be permitted to take the test.
2) ADMIT CARD has been send to all shortlisted candidates by post. In case you have not received the admit card, same may been obtained by showing the proof of your identity from TTI.
3) The Date and Venue of Aptitude Test/Assessment is given below.
Venue of Written Test :
Technical Training Institute
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited,
Suranjandas Road (Near HAL Hospital)
Date of Written : Test 21-09-2015
Reporting Time to the venue : 7:30 AM
4) Selected candidates may be required to undergo medical examination. Candidates are advised to come prepared to stay back to undergo medical examination, if required.
5) The selection is purely on the basis of merit. If, any person approaches you with the promise of getting you selected, you are requested to provide the information to the concerned authorities.
6) You are informed to be present in time; otherwise you will not be permitted to take the test.
Information for candidate :
1. Admission for Aptitude Test/Assessment is provisional, based on the information furnished by the Candidates in the Application.
2. The criteria for selection will be based on marks scored in SSLC and Written Test.
3. The pattern of questions for the Aptitude Test/Assessment is objective type questions. You are required to bring Ball Point Pen, HB Pencil and Eraser for the Written Test.
4. No TA/DA will be paid for candidates for appearing for Aptitude Test/Assessment.
5. Candidates shortlisted for Aptitude Test/Assessment are required to produce the following Certificate in original for verification at the time of Test.
(a) SSLC Marks Card
(b) BPL/Anthyodaya Ration card
(c) Caste/PH Certificate
6. Canvassing in any form will disqualify your Candidature.
7. For any clarification please contact the following nos. Manager (Training): 080 – 22323358
Subjects for Aptitude Test/Assessment : Maths & Science of 8,9and 10th Standard, Analytical ability and General Knowledge
Sample Questions:
1) Two pendulums, of different lengths are pulled back and released at the same time. If one has a period of 2 seconds and the other 3 seconds, how many times in a minute will both pendulums be back at their respective release points at the same time?
(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 40
2) In a test, Abha scored more than Bodhi, Neel scored more than Chatur and Chatur scored less than Bodhi. Who had the lowest score?
(a) Abha (b) Chatur (c) Bodhi (d) Neel
3) If A 2 C ; C 4 E; E * G then * is
(a) 2 (b) 16 (c) 5 (d) None
4) Three different colours of our National Flag symbolizes about
(a) sacrifice , truth and prosperity
(b) education, health and religion
(c) movement, independence and republic
(d) None of the above
I want to know my TTI written exam results.
Technical Training Institute (TTI)
List of Short Listed Candidates for Full Term Trade Apprenticeship Training
Date floated on : 22-September-2015
Active Upto: 30-September-2015
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