jkbank.net Download Admit Card 2015 Relationship Executive : J&K Bank Jammu & Kashmir
Organisation : J&K Bank Jammu & Kashmir
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Relationship Executive 2015
Reference Number : HRD/Rectt/2015/1200
Download your admit card here : http://www.jkbank.net/jobs.php
Home Page : jkbank.net
Note: The Link for download of Admit Card has been temporarily disabled and shall be made available shortly. Candidates who have already downloaded their admit cards are requested to download afresh, once link is made available.
The dates for online examination for the post of Relationship Executive advertised vide notification No:- HRD-Rectt-2015-1200 dated 19th March 2015 have been fixed as 05th , 6th , 12th and 13th of September 2015.
The examination specific instructions including details of the venue, date, timing of the examination and login ID & password of online examination shall be conveyed to the candidates through call letters which shall be available for download on Bank’s website jkbank.net under careers link from 31st August 2015.
The written test shall be conducted online by external agency as per the details below;
Date of written test : 05th ,06th , 12th and 13th September 2015
Pattern of examination : Multiple choice Questions(MCQ’s)
Name of Test : No. of questions
Reasoning 35
Quantitative aptitude 35
English 30
Duration : Composite time of 01 hour
There is a one-fourth (0.25) negative marking for each wrong answer.
Link for Demo/Mock ONLINE test is already available on the banks website for hands on experience.
The time for the test is 60 minutes; however you may have to be at the venue for approximately 120 minutes including the time required for logging in, collection of the call letters, going through the instructions etc. All tests will be in English only. You can attempt any question from 1 to 100 at any point of time within these 60 minutes. All the questions will have multiple choices. Out of the five answers to a question only one will be the correct answer. You have to select the most appropriate answer and ‘mouse click’ that alternative which you feel is appropriate/correct. The alternative/ option that you have clicked on will be treated as your answer to that question. There will be penalty for wrong answers marked by you. For every wrong answer marked by you, 1/4 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
The Scores of Online Examination will be obtained by adopting the following procedure :
(i) Number of questions answered correctly by a candidate in each objective test is considered for arriving at the Corrected Score after applying penalty for wrong answers.
(ii) The Corrected Scores so obtained by a candidate are made equivalent to take care of the minor difference in difficulty level, if any, in each of the objective tests held in different sessions to arrive at the Equated Scores*
*Scores obtained by candidates on any test are equated to the base form by considering the distribution of scores of all the forms.
(iii) Testwise scores and scores on total is reported with decimal points upto two digits.
Note : Cutoffs may be applied in two stages.
(i) On individual tests
(ii) On Total Score
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