All posts from KVS Download Admit Card 2015 UDC : Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Organisation : Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : UDC 2015
Reference Number : —

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Download Admit Card for the post of UDC for the year 2014-15 & 2015-16.

Examination Date :13/09/2015
Time of Examination : 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM
Duration of Examination : 180 Minutes


1. Enter any TWO of the following fields
i) Application No.
ii) Date of Birth
iii) Email ID
2. Click on Submit Button

No request for change of examination centre allotted will be entertained and the candidate will have to appear at the allotted centre at his/ her expenses.

Preparation of Selection Panels :
(1) In the case of posts being filled up by direct recruitment the appropriate selection authority shall, after test or interview of both, as the case may be, place the candidates considered suitable for appointment to the particular grade/post in a select panel in the order of their merit.

(2) In the case of posts being filled up by promotion on the principle of seniority subject to the rejection of the unfit, the Departmental Promotion Committee or other selecting authorities will first decide the field of choice i.e. the number of eligible employees who are to be considered for inclusion in the Select Panel. From among such employees those who are considered unfit for promotion are to be excluded. The “Select Panel” will then be prepared by placing the names of the remaining employees without disturbing the seniority inter-se.

(3) In the case of promotion on the basis of the seniority-cum-merit or on the principle of employees considered unfit excluded in the same way as in sub-rule (2) above. The remaining employees are then to be classified as “outstanding” “ very good” and “good” on the basis of merit, as determined by their respective records of service and also test or interview if considered necessary. The “Select Panel” will thereafter be prepared by placing the names in the order of those categories, without disturbing the seniority inter se within each category.

(4) Where the posts are to be filled up partly by direct recruitment and partly by promotion, the select panel will be prepared as follows:
The appropriate selecting authority will first prepare two separate select panels for the two categories in accordance with the procedure laid down above. The required panel will then be drawn up by combining these two separate panels according to the quota of posts reserved for each category. That is to say, the names of direct recruits will appear first, followed by the promotes, in proportion to the respective quota reserved for them.

(5) A reserve panel both for direct recruits and promotees to the extent of 50% of main panel shall also be prepared while preparing the panels of these selections, so as to cover the contingency of drop outs or refusals during the validity of the panel.

Contact us :
(R.P.I. Section)
18, Institutional Area
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi – 110 016.

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