wbssc.gov.in Download Admit Card 2015 CTL Combined Technical Level Recruitment : West Bengal Staff Selection Commission
Organisation : West Bengal Staff Selection Commission
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Combined Technical Level Recruitment – CTL 2015
Download your admit card here : from 1st September, 2015
Home Page : http://wbssc.gov.in/
Admit Cards to be downloaded from 1st September, 2015
Date of Online Test for the post of Instructor (Fitter), Instructor (Electrician) and Store Keeper (Technical):16th September, 2015
Instructions to the Candidates appearing for Online Test :
Prior to the Test:
** Candidates will be allowed to download their Admit Cards at least fifteen days prior to the date of Online Test.
** Upon receipt of admit card, candidates must check the following details printed in their admit cards:-
Examination details including the date and time of the Online Test, Roll Number and Test venue.
Check the correctness of Name, Category / Sub Category, Post applied for and other details.
Read the instructions printed on the admit card very carefully.
** If any candidate is unable to download his / her admit card or he / she find any mistake in the details printed in his / her Admit Card, he / she must intimate the same to the WBSSC at e mail id: adm.ssc-wb@nic.in at least seven days prior to the date of test, so that necessary rectifications may be made from the office of WBSSC.
** WBSSC has provided an opportunity for the candidates to take up mock test at the website. It will help the candidates to familiarize with the actual test.
On the Day of Online Test:
** Candidates should reach the test venue at least one and half hour (90 minutes) prior to the time of online test.
** Candidates must bring their Admit Cards in order to get entrance into the test venue.
** Admission to the test venue will not be allowed after commencement of verification of testimonials which is scheduled to be held one hour (60 minutes) before commencement of the actual test.
** Candidates must bring any of their original Photo Identity Card mentioned below to prove their identity:-
Elector’s Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
Uid (Aadhar Card)
Admit Card / Certificate of Madhyamik or Equivalent with Photograph
Pan Card
Driving License
Bank Pass Book containing Photograph of the Candidate
Any other Photo Identity Card issued by Competent Government Authority.
** At the entrance of the test venue premise, candidates will go through a security check where the security guard will check for the admit card and valid photo identity.
** Parents / Guardian will not be allowed to enter the test venue premise.
** Candidates will not be allowed to appear for the test, if they fail to produce their valid Photo Identity Proof as stated and Admit Card at the time of verification.
** Candidates are requested to wait in a queue for their turn.
** After entering the test venue premise, candidate should look out for the message/ notice board to get the details of the directions to the Test Lab from where the candidate will be appearing for the examination.
** Candidates can take help from volunteers at the test center in finding the location of Test lab.
** Candidates will be permitted to carry ONLY Admit Card, Identity Proof and Pen (s) and NOTHING ELSE inside the test lab.
** Candidates will not be allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, slide rules, log tables, electronic watches with facilities of calculator, mobile phone, electronic device, bags, books, food packets or belongings or any other material inside the test lab.
** The belongings can be deposited at the luggage zone available within the test venue premises at their own risk. In case of any loss of the deposited belonging(s), neither WBSSC nor the test venue authority shall take any responsibility.
** If a disabled candidate who has been approved for using special tools such as a wheelchair or a hearing aid, they may bring the same to the test venue.
** Disabled candidates who have been allowed Scribe by the Commission will be allowed to appear in the test with the help of the approved Scribe only. Commission will issue separate Admit Cards for the Scribe against individual prayer of the candidates. Scribe shall not be allowed to enter into the test venue without the Admit Card issued to him / her. Such Candidates (allowed with Scribe) will be allowed extra time at the rate of 20 minutes per hour for the test.
** Candidate will be asked to sign on the attendance sheet after they are seated in the test lab.
** Each candidate will be provided with a pre-printed notepad of 10 pages for rough work. The notepad will not be collected back by the Invigilator. Candidates can keep the notepad with them.
** The online test will start at the scheduled time and end at the scheduled time for all candidates. Hence if a candidate starts the online test late, he / she shall not be given any extra time as the test will end at a fixed time for the entire test venue as scheduled and mentioned in the Admit Card.
** Candidates should listen carefully to the instructions given by the invigilator(s) as well as read the instructions displayed in the system, prior to the commencement of the test.
** If any candidate faces any technical issue / difficulty, he / she must report / communicate the same immediately to the invigilator for urgent redressal.
** No candidate shall be allowed to exit from the test lab under any circumstances whatsoever till completion of the test.
** Consumption of Food and Beverages in the test lab is strictly prohibited.
** Smoking or consume of liquor inside the test venue / test lab is strictly prohibited.
** Use of Mobile phone or any other communication device inside the test lab is strictly prohibited. Any candidate found to be in possession of such device(s), either in switch on or in switch off mode, shall immediately be reported against by the Invigilator and appropriate action, which may amount to cancellation of candidature as well as debarment in addition to legal action, shall be taken against him / her by WBSSC.
** Candidates will not be allowed to talk to other candidates or involve in any malpractice during the test.
** Candidates shall NOT be allowed to leave the test lab even if they finish the test prior to the stipulated completion time. Candidates must remain seated at their allocated seat, until the test time gets over and Invigilator asks them to go outside the lab.
** Candidates will collect all their belongings prior to leaving the test venue premise.
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