All posts from Admit Card 2015 Clerk : High Court of Himachal Pradesh

Organisation : High Court of Himachal Pradesh
Announcement : Admit Card
Designation : Clerk
Reference Number : —

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Screening Test scheduled to be held on 20th September, 2015 for the post of Clerks.

In case, any candidate does not receive any call letter till the scheduled date of the Screening Test, then he/she can download the copy of the Admit Card and fill-up the same and get it attested from any of the competent authority and he/she would be allowed to take the test on the production of the examination authority

Important Instructions :
1. The Screening test shall consist of 100 Marks written, in English, of M.C.Q. type having four options for each question and the candidate shall have to mark the correct answer on the OMR sheet by fully blackening the same with blue or black ballpoint pen as per indication given in the OMR sheet.

2. All the candidates shall bring their original testimonials including certificate in support of their respective category, disability certificate (Ortho Handicapped) and bonafide certificate etc.

3. The test shall be held at different examination centers at Shimla and candidates shall have to reach at the examination centre/venue mentioned in the call letter, at least half an hour (30 minutes) before the scheduled time of the examination on the given date. The candidate(s) who shall be reaching the examination centre/venue, after half an hour of the scheduled time, shall not be allowed to take the Screening test.

4. The Roll No. for the aforesaid test is given in the call letter.

5. The candidates may contact on Phone No. 0177-2888316 for any further query or visit High Court of H.P., (Establishment Branch), if any, of them does not receive call letter in time or if he/she wants to seek any clarification.

6. The candidates are also required to bring their own writing materials like clip board, ballpoint pen etc. However, the answer sheets shall be provided at the examination centre.

7. Use of the cellular phone or any other electronic gadget such as calculator etc., shall be strictly prohibited during the test.

8. The candidates are advised to frequently visit the High Court website i.e. for further updates and any further instruction concerning the screening test.

9. The candidates desirous to appear in the test shall have to bring with them the admit card duly filled in and attested by any Gazetted Officer failing which the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the test. The candidates shall have to handover the admit card to the Invigilator otherwise, he/ she shall not be allowed to take the test.

10. The candidates are informed that any type of copying or any illegal activity inside the examination hall shall be strictly prohibited.

11. The candidates shall have to ensure that the OMR sheets wherein answers are to be marked with blue or black ballpoint pen, is/are shall not be soiled or wrinkled or damaged in any manner thereby creating any impediment in evaluation of the same through electronic mode i.e. O.M.R. method.

12. No T.A/D.A. will be admissible for appearing in the screening test.

13. The candidates shall ensure that the attendance is marked on the attendance sheet by appending their signatures and if it is found that any candidate has taken the screening test without marking his/her attendance then his/ her answer sheet shall not be evaluated and the entire responsibility on this account shall be of the candidate.

14. The candidates shall have to ensure that before leaving the examination centre, he/she has handed over the answer-sheet to the Invigilator in a good condition.

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