Download Admit Card 2015 Livestock Extension Officer : Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Uttarakhand
Organisation : Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Uttarakhand
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Livestock Extension Officer 2015
Download your admit card here :
Home Page :
To download admit card for examination of livestock extension officers 2015 to be held on 13-Sept-2015 (Sunday)
Procedure :
i) Enter Candidate’s Name
ii) Enter Father’s/Husband’s Name
iii) Click on Search Button
** 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination candidate in the examination room to make his seat.
** OMR On the answer sheet to answer the use of only black or blue hair point pen. Using pencil are prohibited.
** Before answering the question paper and answer sheet on the candidates must carefully read the directions and follow them.
** No candidate will not leave the examination room before the 2:00 hour. If a candidate does test a particular reason, then he will not take the letter with the question booklet.
** Candidates answer sheets after the exam room will leave room for an inspector.
** No candidate received the admission card is lost or not having a candidate their entry forms can be downloaded from the University website.
** The entry form is completed by the candidate selection process will keep your neighborhood safe.
** Calculator, log tables, cellular and mobile phones, pagers or any text materials are forbidden to bring into the examination room.
** If a candidate is found that the above goods items will be taken from him and his trial may be canceled.
** The candidate passes the condition / restriction has been issued with the minimum qualification. Otherwise it shall be deemed revoked.
Please give me final date of VLEW.
Samsul Islam,S/O-Bashir Uddin,Vill-Hashunpur,P.O-Marjatkandi,P.S-Badarpur,Dist-Karimganj,Assam,Pin-788701 It is my wrong address.But my carrect address is Samsul Islam,S/O-Bashir Uddin,Vill-Rongpur,P.O-Marjatkandi,P.S-Badarpur,Dist-Karimganj,Assam,Pin-788701
I want my admit card
Its is showing as” The search Term is not Available in the records” after entering your name to download the admit card.