westbengalssc.com Download Admit Card 2015 Teacher Eligibility Test Upper Primary TET WBSSC : West Bengal School Service Commission
Organisation : West Bengal Central School Service Commission WBSSC
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : TET Teacher Eligibility Test – 2015 (Upper Primary Level)
Reference Number : Memo. No. 1475/5278(III) /CSSC/ESTT/2015
Download your admit card here : westbengalssc.com/sscorg/wbssc/tetApplication/tetAdmitCard/
Home Page : westbengalssc.com/sscorg/wbssc/tetApplication/
To Print Admit Card in c/w Teacher Eligibility Test, 2015 (Upper Primary)
Teacher Eligibility Test 2015 (Upper Primary Level) will be held on 16.08.2015 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.
Every Valid Candidate can Download his/her Admit Card by feeding his/her 16 Digit Application ID And Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) from West Bengal School Service Commission’s Official Website (westbengalssc.com) on and from 25.07.2015.
Information as displayed in the Online Admit Card should be treated as final. Candidates are instructed to go through the information carefully in their admit Cards and if any discrepancy is found in Name, Gender, Category and Photograph with Signature or if Admit Card is not found in WBSSC Official Website then in such cases candidates are instructed to visit in person the office of The West Bengal Central School Service Commission at Acharya Sadan, Salt Lake with relevant proper documents and Photo identity proof for rectification during office hours (11:00 am to 5:00 pm.) between 27.07.2015 and 31.07.2015 (Inclusive of both days). Beyond that correction on the above matters will not be entertained. No other mode of sending application for necessary correction will be considered.
Candidates may also download the instruction and model filled in OMR Answer sheet from the same Website.
Important Note in c/w TET, 2015(UPPER-PRIMARY) :
Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome or similar browsers for better layout of Admit Card
Make Sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
Take Print-out in portrait orientation and on A-4 size paper.
Scale the percentage to print the admit card in a single A-4 paper .
Please follow the Notice (Memo No – 1475/5278(III)/CSSC/ESTT/2015 dated : 24/07/2015) published in our official website for other relevant information regarding rectification, if any.
If any discrepancy in Photograph is found, the Candidate is instructed to bring the Softcopy of the Proper Photograph with Signature in a virus free Pen drive/ CD and the print-out of the Admit Card with relevant documents from 27.07.2015 to 31.07.2015
I lost my admit card . How it will be recovered?
Hii I sujata singha examiner of 2015 wbssc upper primary tet 2015. How can I my roll no? I have only know my application I’d no- 1021503000167267
Admit card missing
My admit has missing how can I download it
Please someone tell me, how I can download my upper primary admit card.
I have forgotten my application ID so, how can I get the same?
I have lost my ID. How can I recover my application ID of upper primary TET 2016?
I lost application id. How can I get it?
I have lost my application Id and admit card. How can I recover it? I can’t see my result. Please tell me.
I have lost my application ID. How can I get the print out of my Admit Card?
I have lost my admit card. How can I get it?
My application id is 1021507000556284. Kindly inform my admit card roll no.
I have lost my admit card. I only have my application id as 1021502000284237. If you can please help me to find it out.
Please help. I lost my admit card. I have the application id.
My admit card is lost for TET upper primary admit 2015. How can I get this?
I lost my admit card of upper primary 2015. My application id is 1021501000128069. I don’t know my Tet results. Please help.
I have lost my application I’d and admit card. How can I recover it? I can’t seeing my result. Please tell me.
I have lost my admit card. My application I’d is 1021516000262787. How can I see my result?
I also have lost my admit card. Please show me the way to know my result. My application ID is 10215090000564709.
I lost my admit card . How it will be recovered?
I have lost my admit card for the West Bengal school service commission upper primary tet examination, 2016. Please tell me how can I get my result.
Thanking you.
How can I get the print out of my upper primary examination admit card? I have lost my admit card.
I have lost my admit card. I am not able to see my result. My application id is 1021519000039999. How can I get my printed admit card of upper primary? Please reply.
How can I know my upper primary roll no? I have only my application id 1021503000098880.
How can I get the print out of my upper primary examination admit card? I have lost my admit card.
Is it possible to correct language section as I studied Hindi subject in my schooling? But in admit card it is Nepali. But I can write, read, speak both language.