Download Admit Card 2015 Forester Grade-I : Assam Forest Department
Organisation : Department of Environment and Forests Assam
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Forester Grade-I 2015
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Admit Card Download :
With reference to your application for the post of Forester Grade-I, you are hereby informed that the Written Examination will be held for selection for the said post on 12.07.2015 at 9.00 am to 12.00 noon
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Assam Forest Admit Card 2015 AFPF Constable PCCF & HOFF :
Procedure :
** Please fill up atleast one of the fields mentioned below. **
i) Enter Applicant First Name
ii) Enter Applicant Last Name
iii) Click on Search Button
Please Note:
1. Written Examination will consist of:
i. General Mathematics (Multiple choice question to be answered in OMR Sheet),
ii. General Knowledge (Multiple choice question to be answered in OMR Sheet),
iii. English & Vernacular Dictation,
iv. Essay in English.
2. Please bring the following with you:
i. 2 (two) copies of recent passport size Photograph duly attested by a Gazetted Officer/Head of Educational Institution with your Roll No. and Name, mentioned on the back side of each Photograph.
ii. This Call Letter bearing Roll No.
iii. Ball point pen for shadding of OMR dots.
iv. The Original Admit Card of HSLC/University Examination you last appeared for verification of your identity.
3. You may also note that:
i. No T.A./D.A. will be admissible.
ii. No Mobile Phone, Calculator or any other gadgets will be allowed inside the Examination Hall.
iii. The duration of examination : 3 hours
iv. You will be required to make your own arrangement for boarding, lodging, transportation etc.
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