ddelnmu.ac.in Download Admit Card 2015 Term End Examination BA, B.COM : Directorate of Distance Education LNMU Darbhanga
University : Directorate of Distance Education in Lalit Narayan Mithila University LNMU Darbhanga
Announcement : Download Admit Card 2015
Entrance Exam : B.A and B.COM Term End Examination
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LNMU Download Admit Card TEE December Term End Examination : www.admitcard.net.in/3645.html
Reference your application form for Entrance Examination for CET 2015, you are requested to appear for the said Examination on Day, Date, Time & Venue of Examination indicated below. Please report at the venue of examination Centre at 09.15 A.M.
Condensed Syllabus-June 2015 :
M.A. English (Previous)
1. Discuss Tagore as lyric poet.
2. Write a critical appreciation of Kamala Das’ poem ‘My Grandmother’s House’.
3. What does the narrator of the poem ‘Looking for a cousin on a swing’ written by AK Ramanujan speak about.
4. Tagore as an indo-Anglian poet.
5. Images and symbols in Gitanjali.
6. Tagor’s Glimpses and vision of God.
7. Characteristics of Kamala Das’ Poetry.
8. Kamala Das’ poem ‘A Hot Noon in Malabar.
9. Style and Techniques of A K Ramanujam.
10. The poem “A River” of A K Ramanujam.
11. Poem ‘Enterprise’ of Nissism Ezekiel.
12. Nissism Ezekiel as a poet.
1. What are the contributions of Chaucer to English language?
2. What was the object of John Milton of writing ‘Paradize Lost’ ?
3. What was Henry Vaughan’s outlook towards nature and child?
4. Chancer’s Realism.
5. Chancer’s narrative Art.
6. Chancer’s Art of characterization.
7. The Age of Milton.
8. The Theme of Peradise lost.
9. Thomas carew’s Love Poetry.
10. John Donne as a Metaphysical Poet.
11. Critical Evaluation of the poem ‘Good Morrow’
12. Marvell as a Puritan .
1. Give the character sketch of Oedipus of the play ‘ Oedipus the king’ written by Sophocles.
2. Write a summary of the ‘ Hamlet’ written by William Shakespeare.
3. Write the plot of ‘Doll’s House’ written by Henrik Ibsen.
4. About the author of Oedipus The King’-sophocles.
5. Summary of ‘Oedipus The King’.
6. About Christopher Marlowe the author of Doctor Faustus.
7. Plot of Doctor Faustus.
8. Analysis Major characters of Doctor Faustus.
9. About the author “Shakespeare”.
10. Summary of ‘The Way of the World’.
11. Career of criticism of GB Show.
12. GB Show’s novels.
1. Write on ‘Racism in Joseph Adrews’s works.
2. What are the literary themes of Thomas Hardy?
3. Write the summary of ‘Sons and Lovers’ written by DH Lawrence.
4. Elements of Fiction.
5. Fundamentals of Fiction Theory.
6. About the author ‘Henry Fielding.
7. Analysis of Joseph Andrews written by Henry Fielding.
8. About the author ‘Thomas Handy’.
9. Plot of ‘Tess of the D’urberville written by Thomos Handy.
10. Life and career of D H Lawrence.
11. Major themes of ‘Sons and Levers’ by D H Lawrence.
12. Plot of ‘The outsider’ Albert Camus.
1. Describe the critical summary of the poem ‘Sailing to Byzantium .
2. Discuss the theme of the poem ‘ The waste Land’ .
3. Write in brief a summary of the poem ‘High Window’ written by Philip Larkin.
4. ‘The Second Coming’ of WB Yeats.
5. Commentary ‘The Second Coming’.
6. ‘A Dialogue of self and soul’ by WB Yeats.
7. ‘Introduction’ of TS Eliot.
8. ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ by TS Eliot.
9. ‘In Memory of W B Yeats’ by WH Auden.
10. ‘Lay your Sleeping Head my Love’ by W H Auden.
11. Introduction about Philip Larkin.
12. Poem ‘Church Going’ by Philip Larkin.
1. Write a note on the essay ‘An essay of Dramatic Poesy’ written by John Dryden.
2. Write an introductory note on Literary criticism.
3. Analyse the essay ‘Structure, Sign and Play in the ‘ Discourse of Human Sciences’ written by Derrida.
4. Analysis of Anstotle’s Poetics.
5. Longinus ‘On the Sublime’.
6. William Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical Ballads.
7. ST Coleridge : Biographia Literaria.
8. TS Eliot : Tradition and Individual Talent.
9. IA Richards : Principles of Literary criticism.
10. Introduction to ‘Post-Modern criticism.
11. Jacques Derriada : ‘Structure, Sign and Play in The Discourse of Human Scientist.
12. Women’s writing and women’s Language.
1. Write about the origin of Bharat’s Natyashashtra and the author.
2. Write an introductory note on ‘ Aristotle’s Poetics’.
3. Write in brief about ‘ Biographia Literaria ‘ of ST Coleridge.
4. Theory of Aristotle Poetics.
5. Dr. Padma’s research and conclusion.
6. About John Dryden.
7. Samule Johnson : Preface to Shakespeare-Literary criticism.
8. Strength of shakespeare’s plays according to Johnson.
9. Weaknesses In Shakespeare’s Play according to Johnson.
10. ST coleridge: Biography Literaria: Literary criticism and Theory.
11. William Wordsworth : Preface to Lyrical Ballads-Literary criticism and Theories.
12. Edward said : Introduction to orientalism-Literary criticism and Theories.
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