All posts from e-Admit Card 2015 AE/JE Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer : Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board

Organisation : Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
Announcement : e-Admit Card
Designation : AE/JE Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer

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EXAM DATE : 31.05.2015
Section DURATION: 2 hours

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES OF VARIOUS POST CODEs OF A.E./J.E./Manager(Civil/Electrical) & Admn. Officer/Zonal Revenue Officer/Asstt. Assessor & Collector/Deputy Vigilance Officer/Deputy Security OfficerDATED 31.05.2015

Reporting time for the candidates at the examination centre on the day of examination is between 09:00 AM. to 10:00 AM. The examination will commence at 10.30 AM. sharp. Entry to the Examination Centre will be closed at 10:00 AM for candidates. No candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after 10:00 AM. under any circumstances.

No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre without Admit card, two passport size photo of self and l.D. proof (in original) under any circumstances.

The candidates are required to bring their two recent coloured passport size photographs (one pasted on Admit card), and the other to be handed over to invigilator at the centre allotted to them for verification.

The duration of examination is of 2 hours from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. There will be 200 Objective type/multiple choice questions carrying one mark each (see Scheme of Examination for details).

There will be negative marking for wrong answers. 0.25 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

The e-admit card for the above mentioned post codes are being uploaded on the website of DSSSB i.e. and eligible candidates may download their e-admit card w.e.f. 15.05.2015 at 10 am. till 30.05.2015 upto 11.59 pm.

Detailed instructions to download e-admit cards are available on official website of the Board. In case any candidate find difficulties in downloading the e-admit card he/she may contact the Board Office (IT Branch) on Telephone No.22379204/ 22370307. A list of eligible candidates are being uploaded on the website.

The e-Admit cards are being issued purely on the basis of information furnished by the candidate in his/her application. The DSSSB has not verified/scrutinized this information and therefore, mere appearance at the examination does not, in any way, entitle him/her to claim for the post.

The candidature will be treated as invalid, ab-initio, in case he/she does not fulfill the eligibility criteria. Candidate should satisfy himself/herself regarding the possession of the required qualifications, age, caste etc. as stipulated for the post he/she has applied for, as on cutoff date before appearing in the examination.

The OMR Answer Sheet will be taken back after completion of the exam by the invigilator immediately. However, the candidates are allowed to take back home the question booklet after the completion of exam. Candidate, in no way, shall be allowed to leave exam centre before expiry of 2 hours.

The questions will be bilingual i.e in Hindi & in English, wherever applicable, except for the test of language section of the paper.

The Board reserves the right to reject the candidature of any ineligible candidate at any stage of recruitment. Further, candidature of any candidate is purely provisional, at every stage until he is offered appointment by the concerned Department to which the post belongs.

Special Instructions to Physically Handicapped Candidates (applicable where the post is identified suitable for these candidates)

Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates in upper extremities including orthopedic disabilities (OH) which affect the motor and coordination skills, dyslexic and cerebral palsy persons (hereinafter referred to as PH candidates) who are unable to write themselves (with Physical disabilities not less than 40%) can avail the assistance of a scribe for writing replies on their behalf.

Common Instructions to Physically Handicapped & Visually Handicapped Candidates (VH) (applicable where the post is identified suitable for these candidates)

(a) For allowing the scribe other than Visually handicapped candidates and those who are covered under mentioned policy para 13, the candidates will bring disability certificate (wherein type of disability and its percentage is mentioned) from competent medical board on the day of exam and should have opted for the same in the requisite column of the application form. In case any PH candidate of post codes finds difficulties, he/she should attend the Board office in person w.e.f. 27.05.2015 to 28.05.2015 between 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM alongwith disability certificate issued by Competent Medical Board and representation.

(b) PHNH candidates will have to bring their own scribe (writer). The educational qualification certificate produced by the scribe should NOT have been issued prior to one year of the date of examination.

(c) A prescribed Proforma “Declaration of the Scribe (Writer)” & “Declaration by the VH/PH candidate” are available & can be downloaded from the official website of the board at

(d) The declaration of the scribe and the declaration of the VH/PH, duly attested by a Gazetted officer, shall be verified / countersigned by a designated officer of the board at the examination centre itself. These candidates should come to the examination centre at least one hour before the normal reporting time for the purpose of verification of all such document. The candidates are not required to come to the office of the Board for verification purpose.

(f) 40 minutes extra shall be given in addition to the normal time allowed of 2 hours to all the Vl/PH candidates only with permission to use the facility of scribe duly verified by DSSSB.

15. The candidature of the candidate to the written Examination is entirely provisional and subject to the outcome of any direction/decision/order/pronouncement of any Court of Law and mere issue of e-admit Card or appearance at Examination, does not entitle him/her to any claim for the post.

N.B. : Candidates are strictly advised not to bring mobile phones/cellular phones, ear phones, books, notes, electronic watches with facility of calculation, calculators, and pagers or any other communication device, bags etc. inside the Center premises. In case any candidate is found to possess the same, he/she will be debarred from the examination and legal proceedings will be initiated.

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