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Entrance Exam : DECE[LE] 2015 Diploma Entrance Competitive Examination [Lateral Entry]

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Date of Examination : 17.05.2015

Syllabus :
Physics :
1 Introduction and measurement
Science and scientific method, Physics and its relation with society, Technology and other branches of Science Physics Quantities and their measurement units system of units, s. system, Fundamental and Derived Units. Dimensions and their applications. Accuracy and Precision, Systematic and random errors. Gaussian distribution for random errors. Standard deviation, RMS value, Combination of errors, Order of magnitude, Significant figures, Rounding off.

2 Mathematical Tools
Scalar and vector quantities, vector addition and substruction, Unit vectors, Null vector Resolution method for vector addition and subtraction, Scalar and vector Products. Concept of Differentiation and Integration as applied in Physics. Cartesian Coordinate system. Graphs-plotting and interpreting. Interpretation of slopes of chords and tangents, Curvature, Maxima and Minima, Area under a curve.

3 Kinematics of Particles
Concept of particles, Uniform rectilinear motion, Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motiontheir graphical representation, Freely falling bodies. Motion in two and three-dimensions. Projectile motion, Change of frame and relative velocity.

4 Force and Laws of Motion
Interactions and Force, Basic idea about the fundamental forces of Nature (Gravitational, Electromagnetic and Nuclear forces), Force and Motion : Newtons first law of motion, Concurrent forces and equilibrium, momentum, Inertial and Non-Inertial reference frames. Newtons second law of motion, Impulse. Newtons third law of motion. Conservation of Linear momentum. Motion of connected bodies. Rocket propulsion, Static and kinetic friction, Laws of friction, Rolling friction, Lubrication, motion on rough inclined surface, Uniform circular motion, Centripetal force and acceleration, Centripetal force of a pseudo force, Banking of roads, motion of vertical circle conical pendulum.

5 Work, Energy and Power
Work, Kinetic energy, Power, work energy theorem for system of particle, Internal and external forces, Conservative and dissipative forces, potential Energy, Potential energy for simple systems like simple pendulum, electron moving around nucleus, satellite, etc. Law of conservation of Energy, Equivalence of Mass and Energy, Elastic collision in one and two dimensions, Inelastic collision in one dimension, Coefficient of restitution.

6 Rotation
Centre of mass for a two particle system, many particle system and for rigid body, Moment of Inertia and Radius of Gyration their physical significance, parallel axis theorem, Perpendicular axes theorem for a lamina, calculation of moment of inertia of ring. Disk, rod rectangular bar and sphere, Torque, Couple, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies, Relation between Torque and angular acceleration, Angular momentum, Conservation, General motion of rigid body in a plane (Translation of centre of mass and Rotation about axis passing through centre of mass, Motion of rolling bodies.

7 Gravitation
Newtons law of Universal Gravitation, Inertial and Gravitational Mass, Gravitational potential and field, their calculation for hollow and solid sphere, Acceleration due to gravity and its variation, keplers Laws of planetary motion (statement only) Satellites.

8 Properties of Matter :
Interatomic and intermolecular forces, States of Matter.
Solids: Elastic properties, Hookes law, Youngs modulus, Bulk modulus, Shear and rigidity modulus.
Liquids : Cohesion and Adhesion, Surface tension, Surface energy, Angle of contact, Molecular theory for surface tension, Capillary action. Excess pressure inside a drop and soap bubble, effect of temperature of surface tension.
Gases: Kinetic theory of gases, Ideal gas law, Van der Waals equation (Derivation not required.
Fluid Dynamics: Streamlined and Turbulent motion, Viscosity, Coefficient of viscosity, Critical velocity, Reynolds number, Stokes law and its derivation using dimensional analysis, Terminal velocity, Bernoullis theorem and its applications (Venturi meter, Atomizer, Pitot tube, Dynamic uplift, etc.) –

9 Heat and thermodynamics
Concept of Heat and temperature, Thermal equilibrium and Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature scales, Thermometers (Liquid in Glass, Platinum resistance, Constant volume hydrogen gas, thermometer, First law of thermodynamics, Specific heat of an ideal gas at constant volume and constant pressure, relation between them, Thermodynamic state, phase diagrams for Hand CO, Thermodynamic processes (reversible nd irreversible, isothermal and adiabatic), Carnot cycle, Second law of thermodynamics, efficiency of heat engines. Thermal conductivity determination by Searles method, Block body radiation, Wiens displacement law, Stefans law, Newtons law of cooling.

10 Oscillations
Periodic motion, Oscillatory motion. Simple harmonic motion, Kinetic and potential energy in SHM, Simple pendulum, Damped and forced oscillations, Resonance, Composition of SHM in one dimension and two dimensions.

11 Waves and Acoustics
progressive wave, equation of a travelling wave, speed of wave on a string. Longitudinal and transverse waves. Superposition of waves. Interference. Stationary wave and Beats. Sound wave in air, displacement and pressure waves, speed of soundNewtons formula and Laplaces correction, Effect of temperature, pressure and humidity of velocity of sound, Laws of transverse vibration of stretched strings. Closed and open organ pipes, Doppler effect, Acoustics of buildings, Characteristics of musical sound, Musical scale, Decibel scale.

12 Universe
The constituents of the Universe, Planetselementary idea about determination of their distances and masses. Starts- brightness, magnitude scale, luminosity, surface temperature, energy source of starts (concept only. Evolution of the Universe, Cosmic background radiation, Red shift, Hubbles law, Chandrasekhar limit, White dwarf. Neutron star and Black hole.

13 Ray Optics
Refraction at spherical surfaces, thin lens, combination of thin lenses in contact and separated by a distances, effect of silvering one face of a lens. Total internal reflection, optical fibre, rainbow. Optical instrumentssimple and compound microscopes, Refracting (Astronomical) and reflecting (Newtonian) Telescopes, Defects of vision and their remedies, Dispersion and deviation of light due to a prism. Dispersive power, dispersion without deviation and deviation without dispersion. Spectrometer and its use for determination of refractive index. Emission and absorption spectra (with suitable examples) Scattering of light by the atmosphere (blue colour of the sky and the reddish appearance of Sun at sunrise and sunset, derivation not required.

14 Wave Optics
Wave front and Huygens Principle, Explanation of reflection and refraction of plane wave at plane surfaces using huygens principle, Coherent and non-coherent sources of light, interference of light, Youngs doubleslit experiment, Fringe width, Biprism, Diffraction of Light, Diffraction due to single sit, Polarization, Transverse nature of light waves, linearly polarized light. Brewsters law, Use of Polarized light. Polaroids.

15 Electrostatics
Charges and their conservation, charge quantization, Coulombs Law, Electric potential and field due to a point charge and dipole in an electric field. Gausss theorem and its simple applications ( Field due to an infinite charged cylinder, plane sheet of charge. Charged conducting sheet, hollow conducting sphere, spherical conductor. Conductors and insulators, Concept of polarization and dielectric constant, Electrostatic induction, Capacitance, parallel plate, cylindrical and spherical capacitors, grouping of capacitors, Energy of capacitors, loss of energy due to sharing of charge Van de Graff generator.

16 Current Electricity
Concept of Drift velocity and Mobility, Current density and electric current, Ohms law, resistivity, conductivity of various materials, zero conductivity and superconductivity (elementary idea. Carbon resistors and their colour code, temperature dependence of resistance, Kirchoffs current and voltage laws and their simple applications, Whetstone bridge and its application in meterbridge, Principle of Potentiometer and its application for comparison of emf.

17 Thermal and Chemical effect of current
Heating effect of current Joules law, Thermocouple, elementary idea of Seebeck, peltier and Thomson effect, Faradays law of electrolysis and their verification, Dry cell, Lead accumulator, Nickelcadmium cell, Button cells.

18 Magnetic effect of current
Oersteds experiment. Biot Savart law, magnetic field due to a straight ware and a circular loop carrying current, magnetic field due to a solenoid, Moving coil galvanometer and its conversion in to an ammeter and a voltmeter. Force on a conductor carrying current, torque on a current loop in a magnetic field, force between two parallel conductors carrying current, definition of Ampere.

19 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Faradays and Lenzs lays self and mutual induction- deduction of coefficients, eddy currents, Induced emf in a coil rotating in a uniform magnetive field. Alternative voltage and current, RMS, Peak and average values of voltage and current Reactance and impedance for L, and R. Behaviour of circuits with LC and (Phasor diagrams only, Power factor, resonant circuits, factor. Electrical machines and devices- transformer, AC Generator, Choke and starter.

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