All posts from Admission Ticket / Admit Card 2014 UG / PG Exam : School of Open Learning Delhi

Name of the Organisation : School of Open Learning Delhi
Type of Announcement : Admission Ticket / Admit Card
Designation : Annual Examination-2014 UG / PG

Download your admit card here :
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Admission Ticket / Admit Card :

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SOL Hall Ticket for BA / B.Com Examination 2015 UG/PG :

Admission Ticket for Annual Examination-2014 :
For all Undergraduate & Postgraduate Courses

Procedure :
1) Enter SOL Roll No Example: 01-1-01-001000 [Do not leave space between two digits]
2) Enter Date of Birth Example: 1-JAN-1901 [As per your Fee Receipt]
3) Click on View Button

*In case of any problem, please collect your admit card from SOL, 7 days prior to the commencement of the annual Examination 2014

To get the correct print of Admission Ticket,do the following settings
Goto File -> Print
In Page Sizing & Handling-> select : Fit
In Orientation-> select : Auto Potrait/Landscape
In page setup->set paper size : A4

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  1. Please share my SOL exam roll number of 2013-14.

  2. I completed BA. My SOL number is 11-1-16-046507. I need my graduation degree certificate but I lost my final year roll number, I want my admit card of 2014. Please help me.

  3. I completed BA. My SOL number is 11-1-16-046507. I need my graduation degree certificate but I lost my final year roll number, I want my admit card of 2014. Please help me.

  4. I have completed my BA in 2014. Now I want to download my final year admit card so, I need my final year roll number.

  5. I lost my second year roll number of B.A programme 2014. I want my admit card of 2014.

  6. I had lost my exam roll number. How can I get my mark sheet? My SOL roll number is 12-2-02-007639 and my date of birth is 04/10/1995.

    1. Kindly contact the Students Helpdesk of SOL for your queries. Go to the link “” for Helpline Numbers.

  7. I have forgotten my exam roll number. Please help me. My SOL roll number is 13-1-16-033665.

    1. Information available from the Official Website :
      You may contact at the following SOL helpline numbers: Helpline No.: 27008300, 27008301

  8. I lost my roll number. My sol roll number is 13-1-19-008319 and DOB is 02/Jan/1995.

  9. Vikas Kumar Gangwal

    I miss my exam roll number 2015. My sol number is 11-1-16-034222. My DOB is 25/02/1994.

  10. I lost my roll number. I can’t see my results. Please help me how I could know my result.

    1. For any query related to Online Registration / Admission use the below link.

  11. I missed my exam roll numnber. My SOL number is 11-1-05-004435. I want to know my final year roll number.

  12. I have lost my 2nd year exam roll number. Could you tell me how I can get it back.

  13. I missed my exam roll no. My sol roll no is 14-1-02-013650 and D.O.B is 29/Nov/1996. Please help.

  14. Sol Roll No : 11-1-16-000941
    My hall ticket has been lost. So I want to know my 7 digit roll no.
    B.A. Pro. 2013-14

  15. My hall ticket has been lost. So I want to know my 7 digit roll no.

  16. I lost my Exam Roll Number (Pass) Final year and now I can’t download my final year mark sheet. How can I download my mark sheet?

  17. I lost my final year mark sheet. So how can I see my result 2014-2015?

  18. Any one need 2nd year notes political science honors?

  19. I missed my admit card of third year BA English hons. How could I can download my result?

  20. I lost my Exam Roll Number (Pass) Final year. My Sol No is 11-1-02-019472 and now I can’t download my final year mark sheet. How can I download my mark sheet?

  21. I have same problem. I was missing my roll no. I cant see my result. Please help. My sol no is 12-1-16-005674 B.A PROGRAMME FINAL YEAR.

  22. I missed my exam roll no. Of first year.
    Now what should I do?

  23. Missing my roll no. I cant see my result. Please help. Tell my roll no. My sol no is 13-2-16-016259

  24. I missed my exam roll number
    So how can I check my result? Please tell me

  25. I lost my admit card of programme part 2. I want to see my result but this time I am unable to download my result. Because of admit card Please send me my 7 digit rollno
    sol roll no= 13-1-02-019698
    exam centre – shiv vihar loni

  26. Cant we download our hall ticket again from the internet again and if no what?
    If I visit the sol office will it help?

  27. I lost my admit card of 3rd yr. I don’t know my roll number. Please help me. What I can do?

  28. I forget my exam roll no of final year. I passed my graduation last year but for some reasons I want it now. Can you help me please?
    My Sol roll no is 11-2-02-002776

  29. I am a student of Ba.programme 2013-14. I forgot my roll no and I have lost my admit card. Please send my roll no
    I will be very thankful to you. My sol roll 13-2-16-015990

  30. I have my exam roll no but I lost my sol number. I am a student of ba programme final year. I want to apply for a job and they are asking for my sol card.

  31. I am passed out student of 2014. I lost my roll no of 3rd year. I had seen my result but this time I am unable to download my result. Please send me my 7 digit rollno
    sol roll no= 11-1-16-025212
    exam centre – Hindu college

  32. I lost my B.ed exam hall ticket , DOB- 31/12/1988
    Sol roll no-10-1-16-044914 2013-2014
    Exam roll no. – 2332963
    B.A programme – 3(ex)

  33. I want my roll no of B.A programme part 1

  34. I want Bcom. Hons 2nd year notes

  35. I want my supplementary bcom 3rd year roll number 2014. I have lost that by mistake.
    sol no 10-1-02-002777
    Please reply


  37. I am a student of ba program. I have lost my exam roll no. My sol no 10-1-16-002590. Please send my
    Thank you.

  38. Missing my roll no. I can’t see my result. Please help. Tell my roll no. My sol no. Is 09-1-16-024242

  39. I want BA programme 3rd yr 2014-2015 admit card

  40. I lost my exam roll no. I want to see my 2nd year ba programme result. Please give me my exam roll no.

  41. I want BA programme 3rd year admit card

  42. I have lost my exam roll no. and I have only my sol roll no. and I want to check my result. Please help me. My sol roll no. is 13-1-16-014869 and my date of birth is 03-mar-1994


  44. I have lost my exam roll no. and I have only my sol roll no. and I want to check my result. Please help me. My sol roll no. is 13-1-16024279 and my date of birth is 01-aug-1996

  45. I have lost my roll no. How can I see my result as soon?
    My sol roll no is 12-1-16-001481 & DOB 04/Sept/1994

  46. I have my roll no but not Sol no. So I can’t see my result. My date of birth is 11-06-1993.
    What can I do?

    1. You need both to get your result. There is no option to retrieve your sol number.

  47. sol 11-2-16-007388
    d.o.b 15/07/1989
    How to download my 2nd year admission ticket?

  48. I lost my admit card. My sol no. Is 13-1-16-017249

  49. Please send me my examination admit card for Back ER exam dec’2014.
    SOL no-: 11-1-16-028626

  50. I lost my admit card. My sol no. is 13-1-16-049870. Please help me to tell my admit card no.

  51. I have lost my admit card. My sol roll No 09-1-16-003923. Kindly send us my 7 Digit Exam roll number. So that I can see my result as soon as possible.
    Thanks & Regards


  52. Dear sir I have lost my admit card My soll No-13-1-16-006598 Kindly send us my 7 Digit Exam roll number. So that I can see my result as soon as possible.
    Thanks & Regards

    (Renu Kashyap)

    1. Your roll number will be included in your question papers upper side. Just find your question paper and check result.

  53. I have lost my admit card. Is there anyone who tell me about my result? I have only my sol roll no

  54. I have lost my admit card. Help me. My sol no is 13-1-16-024879

  55. I lost my roll number. Please tell my result. My Sol roll number is 12-1-16-003168

  56. I lost my Exam Roll Number. How can I get my new admit card? Please inform me

  57. I lost my admit card. How can I get my new admit card? Please confirm me.

  58. I have lost my exam roll no. Please tell me how can I check my result? My sol no is 12-2-16-003605

  59. Missing my roll no. I cant see my result. Please help.
    Tell my roll no. My sol no is 11-1-16-039901

  60. How can I see my result if I missed my 7 digit roll number? Please help me.

  61. I lost my 7 digit roll no. I am not able to see my result. Please help me. My sol roll no. is 13-1-16-027757

  62. My exam roll no. Has been misplaced
    How can I get it? I have my sol roll no.

  63. I have lost my b.a programme 1st year roll no and my sol roll no is-13-1-16-037261. Please send me my roll no.

  64. I have lost my roll no and receipt. So please tell me how can I see my result 1st year? My sol no. 13-1-02-019935

  65. I have lost my admit card. Please tell me how can I find my result for BA 2nd year?

  66. Missing my roll no. I cant see my result. Please help. Tell my roll no. My sol no is 13-2-16-009699

  67. I know my SOL roll no which is- 12-2-02-007326,but I don’t know my 7 digit roll no. I missed my exam admission ticket. Please advise how can i check my result.

  68. I have lost my admit card of 2nd year and forgot exam roll no. So how can I see my B.A Part-2 result? My sol roll no is 12-1-16-043488

  69. I want my roll no of ba programme 2nd year. I lost it

  70. I have lost my admit card of 2nd year and forget exam roll no. So how can I see my B.A Part-2 result? My sol roll no is 12-2-16-022715

  71. I have lost my admit card of 1st year b.a prog.. So I can’t see my result. Please help me
    My sol roll no is 13-2-16-012495

  72. I have lost my 2nd year admit card. Kindly give me suggestion that how can I get my admit card? My sol nu. is 12-1-16-028422. Kindly fulfill my need as soon as earlier as possible.

    Warm Regards,
    Preety Rautela

  73. Please tell me how can I find my result for ba 2nd year? I have lost my exam roll number.

    1. Please tell me how can I find my result for ba 2nd year? I have lost my exam roll number

  74. I have lost my roll no. But I have sol no.

  75. I lost my roll no. So please tell me how to see my result? My sol no.13-1-16-028156

  76. I am a student of Ba.programme 2013-14. I forget my roll no and I have lost my admit card. Please send my roll no
    I will be very thankful to you.


  77. I want my Id card for 1st year. My roll no is 14-1-16-033763 and DOB 01-04-1996. Please give me Id card

  78. I have lost my roll no. So please help me

  79. I Have Lost my Roll no. Please help me.

  80. I lost my admit card. Tell me how can I see my result now?

  81. I lost my roll no. So please tell me how to see my result? My sol no.12-1-02-025186

  82. I lost my 2nd year admit card therefore I couldn’t able to see my result. Please help me as soon as possible.

  83. Start date for classes for ba honers?

  84. I have lost my exam roll no..
    I want my roll no
    Please help me.

  85. Missing my roll no. I cant see my result. Please help. Tell my roll no. My sol no is 13-1-16-022316

    1. How can I get my dusol email id password?

  86. I have lost my exam rollno

  87. I have lost my exam roll number. Guide me how to find it. I had tried many links but its not showing.

    1. In case of any problem, please collect your admit card from SOL, 7 days prior to the commencement of the annual Examination 2014

    2. I have lost my 7 digits roll number. Please help me

  88. Missing my roll no. I cant see my result. Please help. Tell my roll no. My sol no is 11-1-16-019443

    1. Please click on given link. You will find your roll no. here .

    2. I have same problem. I was missing my roll no. I cant see my result. Please help. Tell my roll no. My sol no is 09-1-16-021521

  89. I want my roll no. I lost it

    1. There is no option provided to retrieve your forgotten roll number.

  90. I know my 14 digit SOL roll number but I don’t have my 7 digit roll number and I am not able to download the admit card again. Help me.

  91. I want my roll no. Please
    i lost it

  92. I saw the result now but my roll no is missing

    1. What is your 7 digit roll number and SOL roll no?

    2. yes my exam rollno is 7digit

    3. I missed my examination roll no
      How can I check my Sol result?

  93. sanjay kumar

  94. Please send my id card
    bcom hons my roll no is 14-1-05-001608 and my dob is 14-01-1997 1st year

  95. yakoob

  96. I want my 1st year exam roll no.

  97. I want my password to get my id card

  98. I want my admit card B.A 1st year

    1. What is your SOl roll no and DOB?

  99. I want my admit card 1st year

  100. I want ba 1 yr programming admit card

    1. Please enter your SOL Roll no and DOB to download your Admission Ticket for Annual Examination-2014 in the above link.

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