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Kerala SET Download Admit Card State Eligibility Test July 2024 : LBS Centre for Science and Technology

Organisation : LBS Centre for Science and Technology
Exam Name : State Eligibility Test – July- 2024 Kerala SET
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Exam Start Date : 28/07/2024
Website :

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How to Download Kerala SET Admit Card?

To Download Admit Card for Kerala SET State Eligibility Test – July- 2024, follow the below steps
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Enter Registration ID or Registered Mobile Number
Step-3 : Enter Site Access Key (Check Registered Mobile for New SMS)
Step-4 : Click on “Download and Print Admit Card” Button.

Scheme of the Test for SET

There shall be two papers f or the SET- JULY – 2024 .
Paper I : Paper I is common for all candidates.It consists of two parts, Part (A) General Knowledge and Part (B) Aptitude in Teaching.
Paper II : Paper II shall be a test based on the subject of specialisation of the candidate at the Post Graduate (PG) Level.

Subjects for SET :
There shall be 31 subjects for Paper II of the SET-JULY-2024 as listed.
Codes Subjects
01 Anthropology
02 Arabic
03 Botany
04 Chemistry
05 Commerce
06 Economics
07 English
08 French
09 Gandhian Studies
10 Geography
11 Geology
12 German
13 Hindi
14 History
15 Home Science
16 Islamic History
17 Journalism
18 Kannada
19 Latin
20 Malayalam
21 Mathematics
22 Music
23 Philosophy
24 Physics
25 Political Science
26 Psychology
27 Russian
28 Sanskrit
29 Social Work
30 Sociology
31 Statistics
32 Syriac
33 Tamil
34 Urdu
35 Zoology
36 General Paper (Paper 1)
37 Biotechnology

Duration of the Test : The duration of the Test shall be 120 minutes for each paper.

Number of questions and marks :
Paper I: There shall be 120 questions for Paper I with 60 questions each for Part A and Part B. Each question shall carry one mark
Paper II :There shall be 120 questions carrying one mark each for the subjects under Paper II except for Mathematics and Statistics. For Mathematics and Statistics there shall be only 80 questions carrying 1.5 marks each.

** The questions of both the papers shall be objective in nature and based on single response, ie., for each question four suggested responses (A, B, C, D) will be given of which, only one will be the most appropriate answer and the candidates will have to select and mark their response in the appropriate space provided in the OMR Answer Sheets.

** For each correct response the candidates will be awarded 1 mark in both the Papers except for Mathematics and Statistics for which each correct response will be awarded 1.5 marks. Marking more than one response against a question shall be deemed as incorrect answer. No marks shall be deducted for incorrect answers.

Special Instructions of State Eligibility Test

1. The candidates shall be present at the Examination Hall 30 minutes before the prescribed time for the commencement of the test.
2. The question paper will be given in the form of a Question Booklet bearing a Question Booklet Number, Version of the Question Booklet (A/B) on the front page. The candidate shall mark the Booklet Number and Version of the Booklet correctly on the OMR Sheet.
3. The candidates will not be permitted to use calculator, mobile phone, watch or any other electronic equipment in the Examination Hall.
4. Rough work/calculations can be made only in the blank sheet of the Question Booklet.

Answer Sheet :
1. Separate Answer sheet (OMR Answer Sheet) will be given to mark responses for each paper.
2. A specimen copy of the OMR Answer sheet is attached.
3. Only blue/black ink ball-point pen shall be used for marking in the OMR answer sheet.

4. Each answer sheet has a unique printed BAR CODE that will be used as a secret code against which the evaluation takes place. If a candidate tampers, mutilates or damages the bar code, he/she will be disqualified and his/her candidature will be cancelled. The answer sheet in respect of such candidates will not be valued and they will be debarred from appearing for the SET for two subsequent chances.

5. Candidates are warned that they should enter only the necessary information as required on the left part of the OMR answer sheet. Any additional information which is not required and which may help to identify the candidate, that is made on any part of the OMR sheet, will disqualify the candidate and his candidature will be cancelled without any further intimation in this regard. Further, such candidates will be debarred from appearing for SET for two subsequent chances.

Instructions To Candidates For Filling in the OMR Answer Sheet

1. A specimen copy of the OMR Answer sheet is attached to the Prospectus for familiarisation.
2. The Answer Sheet has two parts- “BASIC DATA” on the left side and “ANSWERS” on the right, with a thin perforation in between, length wise. Fill in all the entries on the left side (Basic Data part) before beginning to answer the questions.

3. Filling BASIC DATA part (left side of the sheet).
The following boxes and appropriate bubbles should be filled in with black/blue ink ball point pen.
i. Paper: As there are two papers for the SET, fill in the bubble corresponding to the paper the candidate is appearing (ie; Paper-I or Paper-II) in Box No. 1
ii. Version: The question papers are printed in two versions(Version A and Version B) Candi- dates should write the version of the question booklet received by them in Box No. 2
iii. Roll number: Enter/Fill in the Roll Number as given in the Admit Card in boxes 3 and 7. The Roll number should be entered without any correction or over writing.
iv. Question Booklet Number*: In the boxes 4 & 8 of the OMR sheet, the candidate should enter his/her Question Booklet Number *
Note: The “Question Booklet Number and Version” should be filled in only after receiving the Question Booklet.
v. Name of the Examination: Write the name of the examination as SET- JULY- 2024, in Box 5.
vi. Date of Examination: Write down the date of Examination in Box 6.
vii. Name of Candidate: Name of the candidate is to be entered in Box 9 as given in the Admit Card.
viii. Certification: The candidate has to sign in Box 10 and the signature should be identical with the signature affixed in the Admit Card and in the Attendance Sheet.

4. ANSWERS: (Right side of the OMR Sheet)
Do not write your Roll Number or Name or make any stray mark on this part of the sheet
Method of marking answers:
** Each question will have four suggested answers given as choices (A), (B), (C) & (D). The most appropriate answer will have to be selected. Thereafter, using black/blue ink ball point pen, darken the bubble corresponding to the most appropriate answer.
** Darken only one bubble for each question. The bubble should be filled as completely as possible.

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