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WBJEEB Download Admit Card ANM & GNM 2024 : West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam

Organisation :  West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB)
Entrance Name : ANM & GNM Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery and General Nursing & Midwifery Entrance Exam
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Exam Date : 14/07/2024
Website :

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How to Download Admit Card for WBJEEB ANM & GNM?

Downloadable admit card [ANM GNM 2024] is available in Board’s websites and on and from 05-07- 2024 to 14.07.2024 (up to 12.00 noon). To Download Admit Card for ANM (R) & GNM 2024 follow the below steps
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Select Examination [ WBJEEB – Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery (Revised) and General Nursing & Midwifery [ANM(R) & GNM] 2024]
Step-3 : Enter Application Number
Step-4 : Enter Date of Birth
Step-5 : Enter Security Pin (case sensitive)
Step-6 : Click on “Sign In” Button.

Rules of the Examination for ANM & GNM

1. Candidates are advised to enter the examination centres at least 30 minutes before commencement of the test.
2. Be sure about the exact location of your examination centre and means of commuting, to avoid any inconvenience on the day of examination.
3. No candidate will be allowed to seat for the test in any centre other than the one allotted to him/her and as is mentioned in the admit card.
4. Any candidate found to occupy a seat other than the one allotted to him/her will be reported against and his/her paper will be cancelled.

5. Carry the following documents to enter the examination centre:
a. A printed copy of admit card of ANM(R) & GNM-2024.
b. A copy of colour photograph as was uploaded during online application.
c. Any photo identity card in original such as Aadhaar card/ PAN CARD/ Passport/ 10th standard admit card/ School – ID card.

6. Frisking may be carried out while entering the centre for checking prohibited objects/articles.
7. Candidates are advised to take their seats at least 15 minutes before the test.
8. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre beyond the scheduled time of commencement of the test under any circumstances.

9. Candidates are not allowed to carry any written or printed material, calculator, pen, docu-pen, log table, wristwatch, any communication device like mobile phone, any Bluetooth device etc. inside the examination hall. Any candidate found with such prohibited items will be reported against and his/her candidature will be summarily cancelled.

10. Question booklets will be distributed well before commencement of the test. Take out the OMR sheet without breaking seals of the question booklet and check that your OMR number and question booklet number are same. If not, ask the invigilator to replace the whole set from same series (e.g. A/B/C/D).
11. Put your signature on the top of question booklet.
12. Read the instructions given on OMR and on the cover page of question booklet very carefully.

13. Write question booklet number and roll number at the appropriate places on the OMR. Wrong entry of question booklet number and roll number may lead to rejection of the OMR or wrong scoring, for which the Board will not be held responsible. If any candidate makes any mistake, he/she must not overwrite. Request the invigilator to strike it out & rewrite the correct numbers and put his/her(invigilator) signature.

14. Darken appropriate circle/ bubbles of question booklet number, Roll number and question booklet series (e.g. A/B/C/D).
15. Write your name in BLOCK LETTERS, name of the centre and put your signature in appropriate places on the OMR. Do not put any stray mark anywhere else; it may lead to rejection of OMR.
16. Check that your Roll number, photograph, spelling of your name in the attendance sheet matches with those given in your admit card. If any correction is needed, bring it to the notice of the invigilator.

17. Question booklet seals can be opened only at the time of commencement of test and as will be announced by the invigilator. Check all the pages of question booklet. If there is any damage or missing page or any difficulties to read the question booklet, ask your invigilator to replace the whole set from the same series (e.g. A/B/C/D).

18. Maintain silence during the test. Any conversation/gesticulation or creation of disturbances will be deemed as misdemeanor. If any candidate is found adopting any unfair means, his/her candidature will be cancelled, and / or he/she will be debarred either permanently or for a period of time as is deemed fit by the Centre- in- Charge.

19. No discussion will be allowed with the invigilator regarding any question.
20. Candidates may do rough work in the space provided in the question booklet.
21. No candidate will leave his/her seat without permission of the invigilator until the test is over.
22. No candidate will leave the hall till the end of the test and all OMRs are collected and tallied by the invigilator.
23. Candidates are allowed to take his/her question booklet after the test.
24. If any Examinee is found impersonating, he/she will be handed over to the police and candidature of the original candidate will be cancelled outright.

Syllabus of ANM & GNM

** Life Science, Physical Science, Mathematics will be based on 10th standard syllabi of the recognised Board/Councils in India.
** Basic English, General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning will be equivalent to 12th standard curriculum.
** All questions will be of Multiple- Choice Question (MCQ) type, with four answer options. Time for the paper is 1½ hours. The questions will be in both English and Bengali language (except Basic English and Logical Reasoning).

Scoring Methodology :
A) Questions of Category – 1
i. Only one option is correct.
ii. Correct response will yield 1 (one) mark for each question.
iii. Incorrect response will yield – ¼ (25% negative) marks for each question.
iv. For any combination of more than one option, even if it contains the correct option the said answer will be treated as incorrect and will yield – ¼ (negative ¼) marks.
v. Not attempting the question will fetch 0 mark.

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