iibf.org.in JAIIB / DB&F May 2015 Examination Admit Letter : Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
Organisation : Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF)
Announcement : Admit Letter
Examinations : JAIIB / DB&F – May 2015 Examination
Download your admit card here : http://www.iibf.org.in/scripts/iib_newannouncement.asp?newsno=93
Home Page : http://www.iibf.org.in/
Admit letters for JAIIB/DB&F – May 2015 Examinations
JAIIB / DB&F – MAY 2015 Examination (10th, 17th & 24th May 2015)
1) The Institute will NOT be sending the Admit Letter (Printed copy) through post.
2) JAIIB and DB&F Admit letters will be sent from 28th April, 2015 to all eligible candidates to their email Id registered with the Institute. Sending of emails is expected to be completed by 30th April 2015. Examination Password will be given in the Admit Letter sent to the email Id of the candidate.
3) The Admit Letter of the individual candidates will also be available from 30th April 2015 for download under Member Login(For members) / Others Login(For Non-members) for which candidates are required to have Member Log in ID/ Others Log in ID and Password.
4) As per the existing practice the admit letters will also be available for download on Institute’s website (iibf.org.in) one week before the start of the examination. Admit Letter down loaded from the web site will not have the Examination Password, the same will be automatically sent to the email id of the candidate, those who have not received the same can contact their respective Zonal Office of the Institute for the Examination Password. Examination Password will NOT be provided on the day of the examination either by the Zonal Offices/CO or at the Test Centre.
JAIIB/DB&F Mock Test Registration/Practice : iibfprac.sifyitest.com/
Rules of Mock Test :
1. IIBF is offering mock test for JAIIB/DB&F/CAIIB courses
2. The Mock Test contains 60 MCQ questions per subject and the duration of the test is 60 minutes
3. There are no negative marks for wrong answers
4. In case candidate does not complete the test within 60 minutes allotted time, the system will submit the answers automatically and the score will be displayed.
Fee :
1. The fee for mock test will be Rs.100.00 plus service tax 12.36% per subject and it will be accepted only by debit cards, credit cards or net banking.
Mock Test Registration Process:
1. The mock test can be registered subject wise or for all the subjects at a time.
2. After registering the mock test, the login id and passwords will be sent to the candidates to their e-mail id provided during registration or send by SMS.
3. At the end of Mock Test only performance of the candidate will be displayed.
4. The candidates who wish to Register for Mock Test; Please click here to Register Mock Test.
5. The candidates who had already Registered for Mock Test; Please click here to Login Mock Test.
Note: Queries raised will get responded in 3 to 5 days time.
Help: For technical queries during registration and the test, candidates should contact 1800 419 2929 (Option 7 – sub menu 2 for Registrations) between 09:00 – 18:00 HRS or you can also send us your queries at iibf_hlpdsk@sifyitest.com
Study Kit Materials :
The Institute has published its study materials through leading publishers like M/s Macmillan and M/s Taxmann. The books were supplied to the candidates by the Institute through its Zonal Offices. The procedure of supplying study kits through the Zonal Offices of the Institute has become cumbersome and the process involved is unwieldy. In order to simplify the matter, candidates are hereby informed that the study kit materials for JAIIB/CAIIB (English/Hindi Medium) henceforth may be purchased directly from the publishers. The English Medium books will be available with M/s Macmillan outlets/showrooms/distributors throughout the country and for the Hindi Medium books at the outlets of M/s Taxmann. (Detailed List of outlets of Macmillan and Taxmann and the cost price of each book is given overleaf).
Candidates who purchase the books directly from the outlets of the publishers will be offered a discount of 20% on the cost price of the book. Candidates desirous of purchasing the books by post will not be offered any discount. However the postage will be borne by the publishers. They would be required to send their indent to the publisher’s outlet along with a Demand Draft for the cost of the book/s. The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of M/s Macmillan India Ltd / M/s Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd., as the case may be. (No cheques will be accepted).
Candidates are requested not to send any request for the purchase of books for JAIIB/CAIIB to the Institute’s Zonal Offices.
When can I start downloading jaiib may 2015 admit letter?
Login with your id and password in the above link and check is there any option to download your admit card.