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LEET 2024 Download Admit Card Lateral Entry Entrance Test Himachal Pradesh :

Organisation : Himachal Pradesh Department of Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial Training
Exam Name : Lateral Entry Entrance Test (LEET-2024)
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Exam Date : 26-05-2024 (Sunday)
Website :

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LEET Download Admit Card

Lateral Entry Entrance Test (LEET-2024) is held on 26-05-2024 (Sunday) from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. To Download LEET-2024 Admit Card, follow the below steps
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Enter Registration Number
Step-3 : Enter Password
Step-4 : Click on “Login” Button.

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Pattern of LEET Admission Test

Subjects & Marking scheme:
The Lateral Entry Entrance Test shall be conducted through a single question paper of 02 hours duration as per the following details :
Mathematics : 25 Questions
Physics : 25 Questions
Chemistry : 25 Questions
General Knowledge : 25 Questions(State-17,National Level-5. International Level-3)
TOTAL : 100 Questions

** All questions will be of objective type and each question carries equal marks.
** Each question is followed by 4 alternative answers. The candidate will have to choose the correct answer and dark/shade against the appropriate choice in the OMR response sheet with blue/black pen adhering to the instructions provided.
** There shall be no re-evaluation or re-checking of answer sheet.
** For correct answer, 04(four) marks will be awarded and 01(one) mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
** The question booklet will be set and supplied in bi-lingual i.e. English & Hindi for the Math,Physics & Chemistry portion only.
** Use of Electronics devices/calculating devices/Phones/Written/Textual Material

** Use of Electronics devices/calculators, log tables and slide ruler, watch with facility of calculator, pagers and cellular phones is strictly prohibited in the examination hall. Candidates are also strictly forbidden from carrying any textual material printed or written, bits of paper, envelop or any other material into the examination hall except the admit card.

Instructions to Fill OMR Response Sheet

1. The candidate must satisfy himself/herself that the OMR Response sheet distributed to him/her in the examination hall contains Question Number from 1 to 100 and each Question has four options A, B, C, D to answer the questions.
2. Candidate must write his/her name in Block letters in the Box provided on the top of the response sheet using a black/blue pen.
3. The Question booklet series ,as given on the question booklet(to be provided in the examination hall) must be written in the box provided.
4. Candidate must put his/her signatures in the box provided in the response sheet.
5. Please do not write anything in the box provided for invigilator’s signature. Each response sheet must be signed by the invigilator.
6. Write your roll number in the prescribed rectangle including zero pre-fixing your roll number, if any.
7. The question booklet will have 100 questions. After reading the question carefully, the correct response (circles) against each question has to be darkened using a blue/black pen.

Very Important Instructions:
1. Write your six digit roll no in the space provided for it
2. Writing anything, putting dot or tick, mutilating, removing any part of this booklet is strictly prohibited. Defaulter’s candidature may be cancelled if found guilty.
3. Taking this booklet out of the Examination Hall during the examination under any circumstances is strict prohibited.
4. Return the response sheet to the invigilator after the time is over. Taking response sheet out of Examination Hall is strictly prohibited.
5. Rough work may be done on the last page prescribed for this.
6. The candidate can take away the question paper booklet after test.

General Rules :
i) Any candidate who creates disturbance of any kind during examination or misbehaves or refuses to obey the instructions of examination staff or changes his/her seat with any other candidate, will be, expelled from the examination hall and only in exceptional, cases, the matter may be handed over to the police without prior permission.

ii) Any candidate having in his/her possession or accessible to him/her papers/books, or notes which may possibly be of any help to him/her or is found giving or receiving assistance or copying from any paper/book or note or allowing any other candidate to copy from his/her answer sheet or found writing on any other paper/ the questions set in the question booklet during examination or using or attempting to use any other unfair-means will be expelled from the examination hall.

iii) The decision of the Centre Superintendent to expel a candidate from the examination shall be final & binding.

iv) If it is found at a later stage that a candidate has knowingly or willfully concealed any material information/fact which render him/her ineligible to sit in LEET, his/her result of the test and also admission to an institution if granted, shall stand cancelled and he/she shall have no claim against the Board/Institute concerned.

v) Any attempt by the candidate to influence directly or indirectly will disqualify him/her from LEET.
vi) Use of H.B. Pencil is strictly prohibited to darken the circles in the OMR Response Sheet. Only blue/black pen should be used to darken the circles in the answer sheet. Use of correction fluid is strictly prohibited.
vii) As the answer will be given with blue/black pen by darkening the appropriate circle, the candidate will have no option to change the answer, once given. Therefore before darkening the circle, correct option/answer may be checked.
viii) Mobile phone are not allowed inside the examination hall, not even in switch-off mode

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