BHU RET 2023 Download Admit Card Research Entrance Test Ph.D Admission : Banaras Hindu University
Organisation : Banaras Hindu University BHU
Exam Name : Research Entrance Test (RET) 2023 Ph.D Admission
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Exam Date : 18.02.2024
Website :
BHU Download RET Admit Card
The Research Entrance Test 2023 will be held in the Banaras Hindu University Campus on 18.02.2024. To Download RET Admit Card follow the below steps
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Enter Email Id or Registration Number
Step-3 : Click on “Search” Button
Related / Similar Admit Card : APPSC Download Hall Ticket Group-II Services 2023
BHU-RET Written Examination
For BHU-RET Exempted category there will be a University level descriptive Examination of 50 marks, hereafter referred as BHU-Research Ability Test. This will require candidate to write a Research Proposal on any one of the topic related to the thrust area of concerned department where admission is sought. The total 50 marks distributed in five domains, with each having 10 marks.
The five domains will be-
1. Introduction and Problem Statement
2. Review of Literature & Literature Gap
3. Aims, Objectives, Research Questions/ Hypotheses
4. Methodology and Sources of Data
5. Ethical Considerations/Implications/ Justification/Relevance of the Study
The language of the answer will be English/Hindi except the disciplines related to language. The minimum qualifying marks to be eligible to get a call for interview will be 40% (i.e., 20) of the total marks (i.e., 50). For SC/ST/OBC/PwBD candidates there will be a relaxation of 5%.Hence candidates securing a minimum 35% of the total marks (i.e.17.5) will be called for interview. The duration of the test will be One hour.
Counselling Procedure of BHU-RET
The University Admission website will provide details of the registration date and deadlines after opening of the registration which is going to be live shortly.
There shall be computerised counselling procedure for admissions to the PhD Program during the academic session 2023-24. The counselling procedure will involve following steps:
a. Attendance of Candidate:
Every candidate called for interview for admission to a discipline shall be required to reach the counselling venue at the prescribed time/date given in the Call letter. He / She should contact the Head of the Concerned Department/Admission In charge PhD and mark his/her attendance by signing the attendance sheet available with the Counselling Centre In charge.
b. Verification of academic records of the Candidates:
The Admission Committee (Teachers- counsellors) available at the Department/Venue shall physically verify the Academic Records of the candidates.
c. Conduction of interview of the Candidate(s):
(i) Thereafter the interview will be conducted in the concerned department/school/centre by the Department which carries a total of 25 marks for personal interview.
(ii) A candidate applying in more than one discipline will appear at interview separately in each of the disciplines in which he/she has applied and qualified. The dates for interview may be suitably adjusted /staggered in different disciplines, provided that the candidate makes a written request for the same.
d. Declaration Of Results :
Names of as many candidates as the number of vacancies given in the Information Bulletin will be announced on the basis of final merit order prepared. An equal number of wait-listed candidates (in order of merit) will also be prepared for consideration in case seats remain vacant.
e. Admission, Allotment of Ph.D. Supervisor and Payment of Fee :
Based on the final merit order, the Central Admission Committee would release/ publish the NTA’S PhD Entrance Test (NTA-RET)/BHU-RET-2023and BHU-RET – Exempted – 2023merit list of the candidates who are declared qualified for the said disciplines.
The candidates may be advised to see the course allocation page on their portal on the counselling day and thereafter. In case a candidate is offered provisional admission, he/she must make payment of the admission fee before the deadline of fee payment given in the course allocation page of the portal failing which he/she shall forfeit his/her claim for the provisional admission and the said offer of admission will stand withdrawn.
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