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UPSC Download e-Admit Card 2024 Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination : Union Public Service Commission

Organisation : UPSC Union Public Service Commission
Exam Name : Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination 2024
Announcement : Download e-Admit Card
Exam Date : 18-02-2024
Website :

Download e-Admit Card for Engineering Services Preliminary Exam

To Download e-Admit Card for Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination 2024 to follow the below steps
Steps :
Step 1: Go to the official link
Step 2: Click on the link for ‘ To Download E-Admit Card’
Step 3: The page displayed provides two options: By Registration Id and By Roll number to download the admit card.
Step 4: Choose any of the two options and fill up your date of birth.
Step 5: Enter the CAPTCHA carefully [Note:Captcha Code is Case Sensitive].
Step 6: Click on “Submit” Button

Related / Similar Admit Card : Education Department Chandigarh Download Admit Card 2024 Lecturers (PGT)

Important Instructions

1. Your candidature to the examination is provisional. You are expected to maintain decorum and strictly comply with all rules / instructions for smooth conduct of the examination at all times.

2. Please read carefully the Examination Notice No. 01/2024 ENGG dated 6th September, 2023, Rules for the Examination published in The Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part I – Section 1 on 6th September, 2023 and “Poster” containing instructions displayed outside the Examination Hall.

3. Check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancy(ies), if any, to the notice of the Commission immediately.
4. Bring this e-Admit Card (printout), along with the (original) Photo Identity Card, whose number is mentioned in the e-Admit Card, in each Session to secure admission to the Examination Hall. E-Admit Card must be preserved by the candidate.
5. Candidate who does not produce his/her e-Admit Card for checking in at the allotted venue, shall not be allowed to enter the examination venue.
6. You are responsible for safe custody of the e-Admit Card and in the event of any other person using this e-Admit Card, the onus lies on you to prove that you have not used the services of any impersonator(s).

7. Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination premises with any valuables/costly items, mobile phones, smart/digital watches, other IT gadgets, books, bags etc. Candidates are advised not to bring banned items as Venue Supervisors will not make any arrangement for keeping these items at the Venue.

In case, a Candidate brings any such banned items, he/she will make his/her own arrangement for keeping the same outside the Venue and the Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.

Further, the candidates will be allowed to take with them only e-Admit Card, pen, pencil, identity proof, copies of self-photographs (whichever applicable) and any other items as specified in the Instructions of the e-Admit Card to the Venue. No other items shall be allowed to be taken inside the Venue.

8. The entry of the Candidates in the Venue shall be closed 30 minutes prior to commencement of the examination (in each Session). No candidate shall be allowed entry into the Examination Venue after closure of entry.
9. Candidates should note that they will not be allowed to appear at any other venue except for the venue mentioned in their e-Admit card.

10. Possession / use of Mobile Phones (even in switch off mode) and other Electronics / Communication devices or any other incriminating material (notes on e-Admit Cards, papers, erasers etc.) or violation of any Instruction shall entail disciplinary action which may include cancellation of candidature of candidate, filing of FIR/Police complaint against the candidate or prohibition from appearing in subsequent Session(s) of the examination. In addition, the Commission may take any other appropriate action as per provisions contained in the Examination Rules.

11. Candidates who do not have a clear photograph on the e-Admit Card will have to bring two passport-size photographs (one for each Session) required to be pasted on the undertaking provided at the examination venue.
12. Candidates should note that any omission/mistake/discrepancy in encoding/filling in details in the OMR answer sheet, especially with regard to Roll Number, Test Booklet series code, will render the answer sheet liable for rejection.
13. There will be penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by the candidate in Objective type Question Papers.
14. Mention your Name, Roll Number, Registration ID and Name & Year of the Examination in all the correspondence with the Commission.
15. Candidates are also advised to bring black ball point pen to the Examination Hall/Room for taking the examination.
16. Answers other than those marked by black ball point pen will not be evaluated.

17. PwBD and PwD candidates who are entitled and have opted for their own scribe, may note that their own scribe will be allowed for the examination only with a separate e-Admit card for such scribe. The e-Admit cards for the own scribes will be issued separately.

18. Wearing of mask is optional. Candidates, however, will have to remove their masks for verification, whenever required by the examination functionaries.
19. Candidates may carry his/her own hand sanitizer (small size) in transparent bottle.
20. Candidates to follow norms of ‘social distancing’ as well as ‘personal hygiene’ inside the Examination Halls/Rooms as well as in the premises of the Venue.
21. Candidates are allowed only to carry water in the transparent bottles inside the Examination Hall/Room. Any other beverages (including cold drinks) or any eatable items are strictly prohibited inside the Examination Hall/Room.

Examination Instructions

1. The Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination 2024 will be held in two sessions of 2 hours and 3 hours respectively plus twenty minutes per hour compensatory time for Persons with benchmark Disabilities in the categories of low vision.

In case of other categories of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities as defined under section 2(r) of RPwD Act-2016, this facility will be provided on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, from the Chief Medical Officer / Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care institution as per proforma at Appendix-IV.

Such candidates will accordingly be allowed 2 hours 40 minutes in Session-I (Paper-1) and 4 hours in Session-II (Paper-2) to answer.

2. PwBD & PwD Candidates, who have been permitted by the Commission to bring their own scribe to write the exam, will be allowed to avail the assistance of such Scribe, only if he/she carries a valid Scribe e-Admit Card duly issued by the Commission for such purpose.

3. PwBD & PwD Candidates, who have been permitted by the Commission to bring their own scribe to write the exam, will not be allowed to change their Scribe subsequently without intimating the Commission.

4. The scribe will read out the question to the candidate and on candidate’s instruction, mark and shade the appropriate circles on the objective type OMR sheet. The candidate will clearly indicate to the scribe as to which of the four responses in his/her estimation, is the correct response so that the scribe can mark the answer accordingly by blackening the appropriate circle with Black Ball Point Pen.

5. The scribe will make no gestures, sounds or any other response or communication designed to indicate to the candidate the correctness or otherwise of the answer being recorded by him/her.Any such attempt would entail disqualification of the candidate and stringent action against both the candidate and the scribe shall be taken.

6. The peace in the examination hall or of the other candidates seated in the examination hall should not be disturbed while the scribe reads out the questions to the candidate or when the candidate indicates the correct response to the scribe for marking in the answer-sheet.

7. The candidate and the scribe will sign a declaration that they are aware of/have read the Commission’s instructions regarding the conduct of the candidate and his/her scribe and they undertake to abide by these instructions.
8. No TA/DA or any remuneration will be paid by the Commission either to the candidates or the scribes brought by them.

9. Violation of any of the instructions shall entail cancellation of the candidature of the candidate in addition to any other appropriate action that may be taken by the Commission against the candidate/scribe. Both the candidate and the scribe shall be subject to the rules of examination and action will be taken against them for violation of the same as per rules of the examination.

10. Wearing of mask is optional. Candidates/scribes, however, will have to remove their masks for verification, whenever required by the examination functionaries.
11. Candidate/scribe may carry his/her own hand sanitizer (small size) in transparent bottle.
12. Candidates/scribes to follow COVID 19 norms of ‘social distancing’ as well as ‘personal hygiene’ inside the Examination Halls/Rooms as well as in the premises of the Venue.

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