All posts from Download Admit Card 2015 Principal : KVS Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Organisation : Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan KVS
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Principal 2014-15 & 2015-16
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Download the Admit Card for written test for the post of Principal for the year 2014-15 & 2015-16.(01.04.15)

For the post of Principal

Procedure :
1. Enter any TWO of the following fields
i) Application No.
ii) Date of Birth
iii) Email ID
2. Click on Submit Button

No request for change of examination centre allotted will be entertained and the candidate will have to appear at the allotted centre at his/ her expenses.

Postal Address:
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
18, Institutional Area,
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi – 110 016(India)

Q1–What is the rule for final assessment of a pupil ?
Assessment of a pupil will be based on achievement out of maximum of 100 marks in each subject.

Q2–What is the distribution of marks for half yearly & session ending examination ?
There will be a relative distribution of 25% & 50% in each subject for half yearly and session ending examination respectively.

Q3–How much marks should a STUDENT score for being promoted to next higher class ?
A student will have to obtain overall 33% marks to be promoted to next higher class.

Q4–Whether minimum passing marks will be assessed on session ending examination is the mode of dispatch of application ?
Student has to secure overall 33% to be promoted viz. overall percentage will be inclusive of continuous and comprehensive evaluation & session ending examination. Example No. 1: If a student secures 32% marks in continuous & comprehensive evaluation & 30% in session ending examination, overall % works out to be 31% by which student will not be eligible for promotion. Example No. 2: If a student secures 35% marks in continuous & comprehensive evaluation and 32% in session ending examination, overall % works out to be 33.5% by which student will be eligible for promotion.

Q5–If student secures 70% in continuous & comprehensive evaluation and does not appear in the session ending examination, will the student be eligible for promotion ?
No, the student will not be eligible for promotion viz for being eligible for promotion the student has to appear in al the examinations i.e., unit test, half yearly & session ending examination.

Q6–Whether there is any provision of Supplementary examination ?
Yes there is a provision of Supplementary examination for class IX & Xi only. If a student scores less than 33% marks overall in one or two subject, he/she can appear for supplementary examination and will be promoted to next higher class only if he/she secures 33% marks in each of these subjects in the supplementary examination. Example If a student secures 25 marks in Maths & 20 marks in Science in overall assessment, the student will be eligible for taking Supplementary examination of Maths & Science. (Note: Student securing zero mark in one or two subject will also be eligible for taking supplementary examination.)

Q7–Is there any provision of grace marks ?
Yes, grace marks will be awarded to the students of classes VI to VIII only, and shall not be more than 10 in all subjects put together restricted to a maximum of 5 marks obtained by a student in a subject out of 100 marks. Example If a student secures 28 marks in Maths & 28 marks in Science in overall assessment, the student will be declared pass by awarding grace marks of 05 in each subject.

Q8–Whether practical exam score will be considered separately at class XI level ?
Yes, the student has to pass separately in theory and practical (33%) to be eligible for promotion.

Q9–What will be the division of marks for class XI subjects having practical component (e.g., Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography etc.) ?
In the subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography involving practical components will have 30 arks out of 100 practicals. The following components to be counted towards the practical. Project – 05 marks Assignment – 05 marks Half yearly – 05 out of 25 Session ending – 15 marks out of 50. Total Practical: 30 marks The theory component will be as under: Unit test : 15 marks Half yearly : 20 marks Session ending examination : 35 marks. Total Theory: 70 marks In each subjects like Computer Science, Informatics, Bio-technology etc. practical marks will be distributed between half yearly and session ending examination as per the norms of CBSE. However, 10 marks awarded towards projects and assignments will also form part of the practicals. It implies that the marks awarded in projects/assignments will be counted towards practical component and corresponding weightage of the practicals including 05 marks for projects and 05 marks for assignments should not exceed the weight age fixed by the board in a particular subject.

Q10–What will be the criteria for promoting a child in next class in supplementary exam involving practical ?
A child will be required to take supplementary examination either in theory or in practical or in both as the case may be i.e., if child fails in theory exam only, he/she will take supplementary exam in theory alone and should secure 33 marks to be eligible for promotion to next class in supplementary exam. Similarly, the child failing in practicals alone, he/she will take supplementary exam in practical alone and should secure 33 marks to be eligible for promotion to next class in supplementary exam. However, if child fails in both the components i.e., theory as well as practical he/she has to appear in both the components separately and will have to secure 33% marks separately in both the components to be eligible for promotion to class XII.

Q11–Whether CCE comprises examination scores only of all the components ?
CCE is really continuous and comprehensive evaluation. It comprises all the components; formal as well as informal.

1 Comment
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  1. I think kvs have to change the rule of promotion of 11 class
    At least 5 marks should be given as grace to save one year of child

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