federalbank.co.in Download Call Letter for Interview & GD Clerk 2015 : Federal Bank
Organisation : The Federal Bank Ltd
Announcement : Download Call Letter for Interview & GD
Designation : Clerk
Reference Number : HR-TAD/Rec- /2015
Download Call Letter for Interview & GD here : admit.online-ap1.com/FB_CallLetter2015/
Home Page : http://www.federalbank.co.in/career
Download Call Letter for Interview & GD
Procedure :
i) Enter Call Letter
ii) Enter Roll Number Date of Birth(DD-MM-YYYY)
iii) Click on Login Button
Online aptitude test conducted in the month of March 2015 at various centers Pan India, and are shortlisted for the next round of selection process consisting of Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI), for the post of Clerk. The call letters for GD & PI in respect of the shortlisted candidates will be available for download from the Bank’s website federalbank.co.in, from 13.04.2015.
Mode of Selection :
Selection will be based on Aptitude Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview or any other mode of selection to be decided by the Bank. The process will be conducted in various centers depending upon the number of candidates. The Bank reserves the right to allot the candidate any of the centers other than the one opted for by him, to advance/ postpone / reschedule the interview dates and/ or to add or delete or modify/ change the centre and venues and/ or cancel the selection process on account of technical or administrative exigencies or any other reason.
Only the short-listed candidates will be called for the second phase of selection process consisting of Group Discussion (GD) & Personal Interview (PI). The short-listing of the candidates will be made on the basis of the candidate’s performance in the Aptitude Test. The Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates for GD & PI, after short-listing as aforesaid.
Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be produced at the time of aptitude test, group discussion, interview, selection etc. and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidates. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Bank in this regard.
The Bank reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standard, etc., in order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test and interview commensurate with the number of vacancies.
Eligible candidates have to appear for the selection process/ interview at their own expense at the venue and date notified by the Bank.
The candidates should bring the following documents while coming for the Aptitude Test- Online Application form, Call letter and valid ID proof.
Valid proof of identity such as Aadhar Card / PAN card / Passport / Voter I D Card / Driving License / Permanent Identity card issued by the present employer or any other valid proof of identification with a photograph should be produced at the time of selection process/ interview to be conducted by the Bank.
Request for change of address / change of centre for selection process/ interview shall not be entertained.
Appointments of selected candidates will be subject to his / her being declared medically fit by the Bank Medical Officer, satisfactory report about his / her character and antecedents by the Police Authorities, satisfactory references from respectable referees, verification of caste / tribe certificate (for reserved category candidates only) and completion of all other pre recruitment formalities to the complete satisfaction of the Bank. Further, such appointment shall also be subject to Service and Conduct Rules of the Bank.
For any clarifications candidates may contact at careers@federalbank.co.in
Service Agreement :
The selected candidate will be required to execute a Service Agreement upon joining the Bank undertaking to serve the Bank for 3 years or to pay the Bank a sum of Rs.50000/- in case the candidate leaves the Bank before completion of the service period.
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