All posts from Download Call Letter 2015-2016 Baroda Manipal School of Banking Admission

Organisation : Bank of Baroda
Announcement : Download Call Letter
Exam : Baroda Manipal School of Banking Admission 2015-16

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Baroda Manipal School of Banking Admission 2015-16- Download Call Letter

Exam Date : 18.04.2015

1. Particulars to be Noted : Please note carefully your Roll Number, User ID, Password, category, date, time and venue for the examination given in the call letter. Please also note that this call letter does not constitute an offer of employment by the bank.

2. Punctuality in Attendance : You should be present at the online test centre at least 30 minutes before the time given in the call letter. Candidates arriving late will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall.

3. Call letter to be Surrendered : Affix firmly your recent passport size photograph in the space provided in the call letter and bring it with you alongwith photo identity proof in original and a photocopy when you come to the venue for the examination. You will not be permitted to appear for the examination if you do not bring the call letter with the photograph affixed on it and photo identity proof in original and a photocopy (duly self attested). You will be required to sign in the space provided for candidate’s signature on your call letter in the presence of the invigilator in the examination hall. You should hand over your call letter and photocopy of photo identity proof to the invigilator in the examination hall duly stapled together, when he collects the call letters from the candidates. Please retain photocopy of the call letter with you for your personal record.

4. Compliance with Instructions : You should scrupulously follow the instructions given by test administrators and the invigilators at all the stages of the examination for which you have been called. If you violate the instructions you will be disqualified and may also be asked to leave the examination hall.

5. Use of Books, Notes and Copying or Receiving/Giving Assistance Not Allowed : No calculator, separate or with watch, pagers, cellphones, books, slide rules, foot rules, note-books or written notes will be allowed inside the examination hall. Any candidate who is found either copying or receiving or giving assistance will be disqualified.

6. Use of Stationery : You must bring stationery such as pencils, ball point pen with you.

7. Rough work to be done on the sheet provided : You should do all the necessary rough work on sheet provided only. After the test is over, you should hand over the sheet, given for rough work to the invigilator before leaving the room. Any candidate who does not return or is found to attempt to take or pass on the questions or answers inside or outside the examination hall will be disqualified and the Bank may take further action against him as per rules of the Bank.

8. Travelling Allowance not admissible : No travelling allowance or other expenses in connection with the examination will be paid.

9. There will be Penalty for wrong answers marked by you in the objective tests. There are five alternative answers to every question of all the tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by you, onefourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. If a question is left blank, i.e no answer is given by you, there will be no penalty for that question. You should therefore be careful in marking your answers.

10. The possibility for occurrences of some problem in the administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such problem, which may include movement of the candidates from one venue/lab/computer (node) to others and reconduct of the examination if considered necessary.

You are advised to bring with you the following things :-
(i) Call letter with your recent passport size photograph (which should be the same as uploaded in the online application form) affixed thereon.
(ii) Photo identity proof such as Passport/PAN Card/ Driving License/Voter’s Card/Bank passbook with photograph/Photo Identity Proof issued by a Gazetted Officer (on official letterhead) or Photo Identity Proof issued by a People’s Representative (on official letterhead)/Identity card issued by a recognised college/University/Aadhar card with photograph/Employee ID in original as well as a photocopy.
(iii) Please note that Ration card and E-adhar Card will not be accepted as valid ID-proof.
(iv) In case of candidates who have changed their name will be allowed only if they produce original Gazette notification or original marriage certificate or affidavit in original.
(v) One ball point pen.

1.       Your admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter has been issued to you does not imply that your candidature has been accepted by the Bank or that the entries made by you in your on-line application for examination have been accepted by the Bank as true and correct. You may please note that the Bank will take up the verification of eligibility conditions i.e. age, educational qualifications, experience and status (i.e. Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Class/Physically Challenged etc.) with reference to original documents only at the time of interview of candidates who are qualified in the examination on the basis of the marks obtained by them. You may therefore, please note that if at any stage, it is found that you do not satisfy the eligibility criteria as given in the Bank’s advertisement, or the information furnished by you in the application is incorrect, your candidature is liable to be cancelled forthwith, with such further action as the Bank would like to take.
2.       You should ascertain exact location of the venue well in advance of the date of examination.
3.       The candidates must reach the venue of examination by the time mentioned above. Please note that the candidate coming late will not be allowed in the examination hall nor shall a candidate be permitted to leave the examination hall till the time for the test is over and the test administrator has given permission to leave. The test will begin after completion of the formalities like checking of attendance, obtaining signature on the call letter and collection of call letters alongwith photo identity proof etc. The Bank will not be responsible for any delay or disruption in transport.
4.       The candidates must bring the call letter alongwith the photo identity proof (such as Passport/PAN Card/Driving License/Voter’s Card/Bank Passbook with duly attested photograph/Identity Card issued by College or Institution/Identity Card issued by Gazetted Officer in the official letterhead in original/ Unique Identification Card (Aadhar) in original as well as a photocopy. Please note that your name as appearing on the call letter (provided by you during the process of registration) should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo identity proof. If there is any mismatch between the name indicated in the Call Letter and Photo Identity Proof you will not be allowed to appear for the exam. The photocopy of photo identity proof should be submitted along with the call letter, to the invigilators in the examination hall failing which he/she will not be permitted to appear for the test.
Ration Card and E-adhar Card will not be accepted as valid ID proof.
In case of candidates who have changed their name will be allowed only if they produce original Gazette notification/their original marriage certificate/affidavit in original.
The candidate should also bring a ball point pen with him/her to the examination hall.
5.       You should strictly comply with the directions given to you by the test administrator/invigilator. If any candidate is found disregarding these directions he/she will be liable to be debarred from the test.
6.       Use of books, notebooks, calculators, cell phones etc. is not permitted in this examination. Cell Phones, pagers, calculators or any such devices are not allowed inside the premises of the examination. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including cell phones to the examination venue, as arrangement for their safekeeping cannot be assured. Any candidate found resorting to any unfair means including giving/receiving help to/from any candidate during the test will be disqualified. (The candidate should be vigilant to ensure that no other candidate is able to copy from his/her answers).
7.       Anyone found to be disclosing, publishing reproducing, transmitting, storing or facilitating transmission and storage of test contents in any form or any information therein in whole or part thereof or by any means verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or taking away the papers supplied in the examination hall or found to be in unauthoirsed possession of test content is likely to be prosecuted.
8.       Information Handout giving information about the type of test you will be taking is available on the Bank’s website. Please download the booklet and study it carefully.
9.       The candidate will have to sign, in the space provided, in the presence of the Invigilator.
10.       Please note that a candidate is allowed to appear only once for the examination. Multiple appearances will result in cancellation of candidature. In case more than one call letter has been generated, candidates are advised to appear against the last successful registration on the date and at the time mentioned on the respective call letter.
11.       Guidelines and declaration form for PWD candidates using Scribe can be downloaded from Bank’s website.

Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How do I download my call letter?
Follow the link from organisation website to download call letter. At login page, enter the
at the required places to download the Call Letter.
2. What should I do if there is lot of delay in accessing the page?
Internet based Call letter download depends on various factors like Internet Speed, large number of Applicants trying to download the Call Letter at the same time etc. Therefore, if you are not able to download the Call Letter immediately, please retry after a gap of 5 minutes or during off-peak hours during the night.
3. Where do I get the REGISTRATION NO. & PASSWORD?
REGISTRATION NO. & PASSWORD are generated at the time of registration and displayed on the screen. These are also sent to the candidate immediately upon successful registration, by way of auto generated email acknowledgement, at the email address registered by him.
4. My DATE OF BIRTH is rejected on login screen?
Candidate should ensure that the DATE OF BIRTH is same as he had entered at the time of registration. Candidate can refer the APPLICATION PRINT for the DATE OF BIRTH entered by him.
5. I am unable to login / screen displays the login failed message?
Please check your entries in login screen. You should use REGISTRATION NO. & PASSWORD as received at the time of registration by displaying on the screen and also mailed to you in auto generated email acknowledgement. Also, make sure that the DATE OF BIRTH you have entered is same as you entered at the time of registration and printed in the application print.
6. I have registered more than one application?
In case you have registered more than once, only last registration is retained. Therefore, to download your Call Letter, you must enter the registration No. of the application that you submitted last.

Add a Comment
  1. Bank of Baroda Manipal exam passed but no call letter received till date. Please help

  2. I’m unable to download the admit card.
    My Reg no:270127729
    My password:9TALL3F5
    My DOB:01-07-93

    Please help.

      B101-102 & 201 EVEREST NIVARA

      DATE OF EXAMINATION : 18/04/15 Saturday TIME * : 09:00 AM
      Your admit card is available. You can download by entering your reg no and password from the above link.

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