Download Admit Card 2014-2015 District Judge : Bombay High Court
Organisation : Bombay High Court
Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : District Judge
Reference Number : Advertisement No. A 5504/2014,
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Admit Card for Judge, Family Court :
Written Examination for the post of District Judge, by nomination, scheduled on Saturday, 21st February and Sunday, 22nd February, 2015
Notice is hereby given that admit cards have been issued to all the candidates who have been declared provisionally eligible to appear at the written examination. However, the provisionally eligible candidates who do not receive the admit card, for whatever reason, are allowed to download the admit card from High Court website viz. by clicking on “Online Admit Card”.
After clicking on “Online Admit Card”, the candidate shall click on “Print Admit Card” and fill in his/her Registration ID Number and Date of Birth and then click on “Generate” to get the admit card printed.
The downloaded copy of admit card will be considered valid to appear for the above examination.
1.The candidate shall bring the admit card for the examination. It may be noted that no candidate who does not possess the admit card would be allowed to appear for the examination.
2. The candidate must be present for examination 30 minutes before the scheduled time of examination.
3. No candidate would be allowed entry in the examination hall after half an hour of the scheduled time of examination.
4.Every candidate must sign against his/her seat number on the“attendance sheet”.
5. Roll number must be entered in the space provided on the cover page of answer book and supplements, if any, in figures as well as in words.
6. Candidate shall occupy the correct seat and write correct roll number, in the space provided for the same on the cover page of answer book and supplements, if any. If he/she enters incorrect roll number the marks assigned to such answer book will not be transferred to the correct roll number.
7.Check whether the answer book supplied to you contains the specified number of pages and they are numbered in seriatim.
8.Do not write your name and roll number on any other part of your answer book. Do not enter any signs or initials or marks or words to indicate your identity.
9.Do not write anything on the question paper.
10. Do not use the colour of ink, other than the one used in the beginning on any page of the answer book. The answers shall be written either in blue or black shade (ink) only. Write the entire answer book in the same colour of ink.
11.Begin your answer to each question on a new page. The unused space, if any,in the answer book should be crossed. Write the number of the question in the margin before beginning to write answer to it.
12.Candidate shall write answers in a legible handwriting. No marks will be assigned to answers, which cannot be assessed by the examiners owing to illegible handwriting.
13.No sheet shall be torn out from the answer book nor additional papers brought from outside be attached to it.
14. All answer books shall be returned,whether attempted or unattempted.
15.Exchange of writing material, stencils, mathematical instruments, etc. is strictly prohibited.
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