KAR TET 2014 Admit Card Karnataka Teachers Eligibility Test : CAC Bangalore
Name of the Organisation : Centralised Admission Cell (CAC), Bangalore Goverment of Karnataka (
Type of Announcement : Admit Card
Designation : Karnataka Teachers Eligibility Test-2014 KAR TET
Reference Number : —
Download your admit card here :
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Download Admission Ticket for Secondary School Assistant Masters Grade-II & Physical Education Grade-I 2015 :
Download Hall Ticket for Assistant Teacher Blind or Partial Blind Candidates-2014 :
** Provision for downloading the Admission ticket for KAR TET Examination 2014 will be provided to the applicants from 10th Jun 2014 to 17th Jun 2014
** Date of Examination KARTET-2014 postponed to 22/06/2014
** Generate your Admit Card once you notified through SMS!!!
1. The Admission Ticket is subject to the condition that if ineligibility is detected the candidature will be cancelled.
2. Candidates will not be allowed to examination hall without admission ticket.
3. Candidates should take their place in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination
4. Scribe assistance will be provided by the chief superintendent of Examination center for those candidates who have opted in their application. Such candidates have to produce P.H certificate.
5. Part-l contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-II contains 30 questions for Language-II. The languages being answered must tally with the languages opted for in your Application Form/as mentioned in the admission ticket.
6. Use black or blue ball pen for marking/writing responses. Use of Pencil is not allowed.
7. In paper I and Paper II ,Candidates are required to attempt questions in Part-II (Language-II) in any language other than the one chosen as Language-I (in Part-I) from the list of languages as mentioned in the application form.
8. In paper II, Part-III Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. 6I to Q. 90) ,Part-IV Mathematics and Science (Q. 91 to Q. 150) or Part-IV Social Studies/Social Science (Q. 91 to Q. 150) The Questions answered must tally with the medium and optional opted for, in your Application Form/as mentioned in the admission ticket. Visually impaired candidates will be given alternate question paper booklet containing social science questions in Lieu of Mathematics and Environmental science in Paper I.
9. Candidates who have answered question paper of other language/medium other than the language /medium opted in the application will not be considered for valuation.
10. Whitener is not allowed for changing answers.
11. Ensure that your question Booklet No. and OMR Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the invigilator for the replacement of the question booklet and the OMR answer sheet before answering the questions
12. Fill up the general information from Sl. No. 1 to 13 of OMR Answer Sheet. If you fail to fill up the details in the form of alphabet and signs as instructed, you will be personally responsible for consequences arising during scanning and scoring of your answer sheet.
13. Enter the Sl. No. of OMR Sheet at Sl. No. 6 , Sl.No. of Question Paper Booklet at Sl.No.7. Enter the paper you opted, in the Sl. No. 8 of OMR Sheet.
14. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, mobile phone, electronic device or any other material except the Admission Ticket inside the examination hall/ room.
15. Use of Electronic / Manual Calculator is prohibited.
16. There is no negative valuation.
17. The candidates should not leave the Examination Hall without handing over their Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty and sign the Attendance Sheet twice. Cases where a candidate has not signed the nominal roll /Attendance Sheet a second time will be deemed not to have handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with as an unfair means case.
18. On completion of the Examination, the candidate must hand over the original OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator in the Room /Hall. The candidates are allowed to take away this question Booklet along with carbon copy of the OMR sheet with them.
19. Candidates found committing malpractice, action will be taken against them as per rules.
20. Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall till the end of the session.
21. If the downloaded e-Admit card photograph is not clear then
a. Bring 2 Passport size photographs (For 2 sessions, Morning and Afternoon)
b. Photo Identity Proof such as Driving License, Passport, Ration Card or any Govt. approved card
Please guide me how to download HSTR admit card
Please reply me about salary and in which place do you get selected?
Hall ticket?
What is your application number and DOB?
Please specify how to take hall ticket.(exam date;22 june 2014)
You can download your admission ticket using your user name and password or app no and DOB from the above link.
Application no : 1222644
Dob : /01/07/1986
You details are
Remarks : Your Payment has been Confirmed.
Code – Name of the Examination Centre : 1 – Govt.Politechnic College,Bagalokot Road, Bijapur
Examination District Code & Name : 22 – Bijapur
Date of Examination : 22 Jun 2014
You can download your hall ticket by entering your app no and DOB in the above link.