All posts from RCA PMC 2014 Admit Card Para Medical Course Admission : Rajasthan RUHS Jaipur

Name of the Organisation : Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS), Jaipur
Type of Announcement : Admit Card
Designation : RCA PMC 2014 Para Medical Course Admission
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Para Medical Courses Admissions 2014: “Updates-Admit Cards”

Important instructions to candidates for the RCA PMC 2014 exam. on 11.06.2014 (UG, Diploma)

Note :If there is no photograph on Admit card, please paste recent passport size photograph and come with original ID proof.

Test Centre regulations :
** You are being provisionally permitted to appear for the test. Your eligibility for admission to the course will be assessed at appropriate stage(s).
** You are required to be present in the Test Centre 60 minutes before the starting time of the Test as specified in the admit card. Candidates reporting to the centre after the reporting time for the test will not be allowed entry.
** Do not carry any of your belongings inside the exam centre pens, pencils, any textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, calculators, slide rules, log tables, electronic wrist watches with facility of calculator, pager, mobile phone, electronic devices, bags, books, food packets etc.
** At your computer system (work station), you will be provided a pen and one sheet of paper for doing rough work during the test. You have to return both pen and paper to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
** You are required to produce your admit card and original ID proof (school ID card / admit card of class 10th or class 10+2 / aadhar card / driver’s license / voter’s identity / passport / pan card) which bears your photograph and date of birth) at the registration desk. Also carry with you one spare photograph (identical to that you uploaded in the on-line application form) to the examination center.
** At the registration desk, your identity will be verified, admit card scanned, your left and right thumb impressions, photograph will be captured and assigned to a computer.
** You will be taking the Computer Based test at a workstation assigned to you, after your registration at the Test Centre.
** You will not be allowed to eat or smoke in the examination hall.
** You will not be allowed to leave the examination hall until 120 min after start of test (till test completes).
** The administrator is authorized to dismiss you from the test session and take any action as per the RUHS rules governing conduct of examination for any of the following reasons:
o Creating disturbance. o Attempting to take the test on behalf of someone else.
o Provoking other candidates to disrupt the exam.
o Creating mischief and disorderliness.
o Talking to other test taker/s.
o Attempting to tamper with the computer system – either hardware or software.
o Using calculators, slide rules, cell phones, concealed microphones, wireless devices or any other material that may aid in answering questions.

Check – before coming for the exam :
Before reaching the centre to take the exam, please ensure
** Print your admit card
** Check all entries in your admit card like your personal details for their correctnes
** You are carrying your admit card
** You are carrying your original photo identity card which bears your date of birth
** You are not carrying pens, pencils, watches, mobiles, pagers any unauthorized textual material, and wallets etc.
** Start early to reach the centre by the scheduled time.
** It is advisable to visit your allotted centre to be acquainted of the route so that precious time is not lost in searching for the same.
** Candidates reaching late will not be permitted to appear for the test.

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  1. When paramedical courses 2015 counseling will start?

  2. What is the date/month for paramedical ug entrance exam for session 2015?

  3. mahenbra kumar saini

    Mahendra Kumar Saini

    1. Please provide your form number and password to download your admit card in the above link.

  4. prdeep Kumar kumawat

    Allotment letter for prdeep Kumar kumawat

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