All posts from Download Admit Card 2014-2015 Assistant Floriculture Officer AFO : Jammu and Kashmir PSC

Name of the Organisation : Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission
Type of Announcement : Download Admit Card
Designation : Assistant Floriculture Officer AFO
Reference Number : Notification No 01-PSC (DR-P) OF 2 0 1 4

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Admit Card for J&K Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam 2014 :


It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned candidates appearing in the Screening Test for the posts of Assistant floriculture Officer (BPE and Floriculture Department) to be held on 15.02.2015 at 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM, that the Barcode, Roll No, Name and Venue wise schedule in respect of Kashmir based candidates is given in Annexure-A and for those of Jammu based candidates in Annexure – B to this Notice. The Admit Cards have already been dispatched to the candidates separately for both the regions. The candidates can also download Admit Cards after 25.01.2015 on Commission’s website

If the candidate fails to get his/her Admit Card through any of the sources mentioned above but his/her name figures in any of the lists annexed herewith, he/she may directly reach the respective venue with an identity proof.

In case, if there is any such candidate who has applied for the said post but his/her name does not figure in any of the provisional lists annexed, he/she may immediately contact the Commission’s Office at Resham Ghar Colony Bakshi Nagar, Jammu or Camp Office Solina Rambagh, Srinagar with proof of submission of application form.

1. Only those candidates shall appear in the Screening test, who fulfill the eligibility prescribed for the post as mentioned in the Notification. However, Permission to appear in the Screening test is purely provisional subject to further verification of the documents at any stage of selection process.
2. The candidature of such candidates shall be rejected at any stage of process of selection, who are found to have misrepresented or concealed the material facts having a bearing on their eligibility

1. Check the Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancy, if any, to the notice of J&K Public Service Commission immediately.
2. Mention your Roll Number, Application Form No., Name and year of the examination in all future correspondence with J&K Public Service Commission.
3. Carry this Admit Card to secure admission to the Examination Hall.
4. You are responsible for safe custody of this Admission Certificate and in the event of any other person using this certificate the onus to prove that you have not used the services of any impersonator shall lie on you.
5. Ensure that you are seated in the Examination hall 20 minutes before the scheduled time of commencement of the examination.
6. Before entering into the campus of the Examination Hall, make sure that you are not in possession of the Mobile Phone/Programmable Calculators or any unauthorized/incriminating material. In case you are found in possession of any unauthorized material during the examination, you shall be disqualified for such examination(s).
7. You will not be allowed to enter in the Examination Hall, if you report 10 minutes after the commencement of the examination.
8. If you appear at a centre/venue other than the one notified/ allotted by the Commission, your Answer Sheets shall not be evaluated and your candidature will be liable to cancellation.
9. You should bring your own instruments viz. blue/black ball point pen, drinking water bottle etc. No borrowing or exchange of articles would be allowed in the examination hall.
10. You shall not be permitted to leave the examination hall untill expiry of full time (i.e. two hours).
11. In Examination hall, you shall be provided an OMR answer sheet and question booklet. You should read the instructions carefully on the back side of OMR sheet before filling in the item Nos.1-8. Item No. 9 is to be filled up by the invigilator.
12. The examination is Multiple Choice Type. Each question will have 04 options marked as A,B,C & D. You should choose the correct option and darken the corresponding oval on your OMR answer sheet by Blue or Black ball point pen.
13. The oval should be fully darkened, without causing any damage to the Response Sheet.
14. You should put your specimen signature on the OMR Answer sheet at the appropriate space provided.
15. You should make your own arrangements of boarding and lodging, PSC shall not defray any TA/DA expenses.
16. Your candidature to examination is provisional, subject to the fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria.

In case you find any discrepancy, in the test booklet in any question(s) or the Responses, a written representation explaining the details of such alleged discrepancy, be submitted within three days, indicating the Question No(s) and the Test Booklet Series, in which the discrepancy is alleged. Representation not received within time shall not be entertained at all.

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