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ESIC Download Admit Card 2016 Insurance Medical Officer IMO : ESI Corporation

Organisation : Employees’ State Insurance Corporation ESI ESIC
Announcement : Download E-Admit Card
Designation : Insurance Medical Officers (IMO) Grade-II (Allopathic)

Download your admit card here :
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Admit Card :

The Written Examination (Paper I – Online & Paper II – Descriptive) for the post is scheduled to be held on 6th March, 2016 (Sunday)

Related :

ESIC Admit Card 2016 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination LDCE :

To download E-Admit Card for the post of Insurance Medical Officer Gr. II in ESIC
Procedure :
i) Enter Application Reference NO.
ii) Enter Password DOB(ddmmyyyy)
iii) Click on Login Button

The advertisement for recruitment to the post of IMO Gr. II for 09 States – Delhi NCR, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab and Tamil Nadu was released on 24th September, 2015. The applications were called online only and hard copies of application were not called from the candidates. The closing date for submission of online applications was 10th November, 2015.

Important Note:

1. The e-Admit Cards for appearing in the Written Examination can be downloaded from the ESIC website
2. There is no negative marking for wrong and un-attempted questions.
3. The candidate must bring e-Admit Card at the respective Examination Centre along with original photo ID proof viz. Office ID, passport, Voter Card, Aadhar Card, PAN Card etc. for verification.
4. No candidate shall be permitted in the examination centre without carry e-admit Card under any circumstances.
5. The password for the online examination will be provided to the candidate 10 minutes before commencement of the examination at their respective seat.
6. In order to familiarize with the ONLINE test (Computer Based), the candidates are advised to go through the demo (Mock Test) available on the website
7. The candidate is requested to reach at examination centre as per Reporting Time given above. The main gate will be closed before half an hour from the commencement of the test. No late coming is allowed.
8. No request for change in examination centre will be considered under any circumstances.
9. Candidate must bring two Ball Point Pens (Black/Blue) for filling required particulars in the examination. The scratch paper will be provided for rough work. On completion of the test, candidates will have to return back all the scratch papers to the Invigilator(s).
10. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, calculators, mobile phone, pager or any other electronic devices inside the examination room/hall and the Examination Centre/ESIC will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
11. In case your e-Admit-Card is without scanned photograph/wrong/dull photograph, the candidates are advised to bring 2 recent colored passport size photographs at the examination centre for further necessary action.
12. The details printed on e-admit card must be checked by the candidate. In case of any misprinting/error in the admit card, the candidate is advised to personally report on 5th March, 2016 at Facilitation Counter – ESI Corporation, DDA Complex cum Office, 3rd & 4th Floor, Rajendra Place, Rajendra Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 008 along with 2 passport size photographs and documentary evidence/certificates etc. so that necessary corrections are made and fresh admit card is issued accordingly.
13. The Candidates appearing in the online examination should, in their own interest, check their eligibility criteria in all respect so as to avoid disappointment at any later stage. Your candidature for the online exam is “PURELY PROVISIONAL” pending detailed scrutiny of your fulfilling the eligibility conditions as per the recruitment rules of ESIC. In the event of any information or part of it being found false or incorrect before or after the exam or appointment, action can be taken against you by the ESIC and your candidature/appointment shall automatically stand cancelled/repatriated/ terminated.
14. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Exam Room/Hall before the conclusion of the test.
15. Any candidate who is found copying/receiving/giving assistance or using unfair means during the exam, will be disqualified and ESIC will not be responsible for his/her candidature.
16. Any query/concerns of the candidates related to any question(s) should be submitted / forwarded to Director (Recruitment), ESIC at the above mentioned address within 5 days from the date of conduct of the examination, thereafter ESIC will start initiating the result process and any representation in this regard will not be entertained.
17. Candidates are also advised to read the General Instructions carefully for ONLINE examination as enclosed with the e-Admit Card.

Add a Comment
  1. In my admit card my category shows wrong. What can I do? My application no is 0129000053.
    Dob is 16/06/1993.

  2. Sunny kumar pathrol

    I filled my online form for the post of staff nurse for Delhi but my admit card not downloading. My dob is 11th Oct 1989 and my reg no is 0130083383.

    1. You need your application reference number to download the admit card.

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